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I I I HUGHES MESSAGE EXCITES TURFMEN. Stiff Opposition Expected to Develop in the New York Legislature. New ork. January 2.— Governor Hughes message is th- subject of much comment, but conservative turfmen believe that racing will go even if a hill is pass-d against betting. Many think it will not lie passed at all. as farmers will not take chances .n giving up the tax from the tracks to the fairs. They do not believe, that a 0O.oou appropriation would be made year after year for them and will ight the governors idea strongly. The Breeding Bureau has helped much up-state. But there will Ik- a hard fight at Albany this winter. Sena to.- McCarreii will lead the light for tlie race tracks. Poolroom men are jubilant, for the bill is made to order for them. An important meeting of the Jockey Club meniliers will take place tomorrow. All this matter will be discussed as well as the •late question. Entries to the Coney Island Jockey Clubs stakes are arriving fast and so far the Suburban has 27; :onimonvealth 19; Advance 10: June Handicaps 40; Equality 27: Thistle :il; Swift 24: Spindrift, 20; Great Trial 47: Double Event 40: Zephyr 41: Spring 41: Vernal 47: Independence 24: Beacon 25; Introductory 24: Century 21; Flight 1:5; Flatbush 11; Great Eastern 12: Autumn IS. For the Futurity of 1910 there have been received 77* nominations. The number of nominators to all stakes to date is ninety-eight.