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BIG STAKES OF HUNGARIAN TURF. From the "Wocii.n-Renn-Kalender." the official organ in Austria-Hungary, racing must be flourishing, lor ex.elleui eatrtes have been secured for the principal events of the spring program, as witness eighty-one subscribers for the Graf Julius Karolvi Memorial Stake* of :; kronen, for two-vear-olds : 118 for the Vereinlgter Nemaetl and nazafi Prize of 20.000 kronen for three -year old-: 109 for the Stnfn Prize •-! ." kronen for three-year old fillies and 112 for the Alager Prize of ::o.imhi kronen for three ids. ai the Budapest Spring Meeting. At the summer celebration the Konigln -Elizabeth Prize of SO.0O0 kronen for three and foar-year-olds attracted 12.1. and the Zu. liter Prfcw of 10.000 kronen for two-year-olds. 70 entries. For the St. I.olo of 00.ti M kronen, at the Herbal Meting. ISO three-year-olds have been entered, and the large nutnbe ■ of 204 two year olds has been secured for the S:. I.ailislans Prize of 99,999 kronen. The Franz von lxozma Memorial of .10.000 kronen— a sprint race ar Alag. for twos and threes— has lt!K subscribers, and 227 juveniles bave been nominated for the Biennial Zacbtreaaen r 20.000 kronen at Budapest After Ihe lust declaration of forfeit :; 5 were left in the Konigs Prize of 100.000 kronen at the Budapest spring, and 33 iu the St. St.fa.iis Prize of 00.00O kronen at the Summer Meeting. Iioth of these stake* being for I lutt-year olds and upwards. These most b. admit led rhutcring figures. wtUcli afford strong evidence of -the extraordinary vitality of the turf in Austria-Hungary.