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ENTRIES COME SLOWLY TO BIG STAKE. New York. January 10.- -Entries to the |gaV,0M Cioiey Island Jockey Club Stakes are so far disap-|MMiiiiir_r. Only twenty-six have been received up to date. This will make it a v.rv costly stake to the c.*ky Island association, much more so than last v. ar when there were over seventy nominations. But quite a numlier more an- likely to come yet. Tin- stable of II. K. Knapp. lie- is in v.rv hard luck. One of the most promising two-yeai --ihls in the string died jreaterdaj of a throat all-, lion which followed a cold and chills. This was a Yhestmii gelding by Indexible — Intimidai ion. a splendidly built youngster lor which Ihe stable paid i.Mwj at the yearling sales. Another two-year old in the stable has been sick, but is better. The others in the stable are hi tine ncalth and there is no peatfal sickness ut Sneepshcad Bay. Coming on the heels of the death of Pen Fleet, the stake colt of the three year-old division and regarded as next to Cohort, trainer W. Karrii-k feels the la lost iiecnly. The stable is clean and one of the hesl and commodious at the Bay. K.spr. sen ta lives of the agricultural societies of New York met at Albany today and were unanimous in opposing the hills directed against racing. They visii-d Covernor Hushes, who delivered a highly moral lecture on the importance of following out bis idea of llie law and constitution, no matter how nun I it hurt. His lone to the farmers continued ..f the chilliest, and cast much doubt on the question «.f the propriety in their felling any money from Ihe state at all. whether by direct tax or through tin- race track tax as formerly. Hie effect of his paWch may be imagined, .ind nothing better could liavc happened for those looking to the defeat of Vie biils. s.« far as the farmers are able to bring about that result. • ,