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Los Angeles Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 17. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. ■ ,-..* Kkin t~ o CMTnirp ENTRIES. ..... Ind. ** lb. IF.... A. V Wt Wt. Hdep. Il.l.-n ■ ,-..* Kkin t~ o CMTnirp ENTRIES. LOS ANGELES Racing starts :i| 1 :.V| p. ni. Chicago time. 3:54 ■ Itnns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 4 -year olds and upward. Selling. Track rccoid: TUMI IMj 1 MIS. Ind. Baraaa. Bee, a. Wt. lld.p. 727 :i DIAMOND 1MB li.lHt 725 72i;ii; l.i.iy Kitlv 1 :4H»3 I..M TBJ 72i;i ; Cointnon Sue I -Ml 4..11S. .X71S 72"..;! Iresllge 1:05* 8. .122.-715 I.r.thi.-. Ilvbiiek ti. .11!.. X715 79MS i;ol,|eu Boy 7.122 . -7lo 72332 #17 1 Heinado 1:031, 7 . . 1 111 710 7257.1 Interlude 1:018 7..1M1 . ■ 71o 727;7 Qearge Bwala 4.. 115. ... 7*881 72tki5 oniniiila 1:02" 4. . 1 13. . -705 73354 Ihallotile .".. . 1 13. . X705 8R2381 lla 5..117../70O 88BH8 All Bight 7. .11". . : «!5 72011 Nerska 4. 108 «»5 Doctor White, h. c. by oinmercial Tniveler — Superba 4 . .115 Second Race — 3-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: 7253.3— .!4 -2—107. 72715- Fred Ma Iff AM MB..X7S9 728»7 Madeline Mu-gruve ... :3IIJ IdS. ...73B 72U07 Silk Hose 105 715 7271 .V C. W. Kllev ! :3 ; 107.. 717. 72042 Foreguard lOT. 710 727.::; Mattie Bnantll ..:... :M 100 710 72042 Blight 10.-. 705 727."..". Hell of Brass 105 MQ 720tt7 Bold MB 700 72715 Bay el Dtaara 103 7-o Colored Lady. blk. f. ky Waterbof -C011- nemara .1 110 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and npward. Selling. 1 liaek record: 72.".3« Mj t MM. BM Uoval Hogtie !». . 11S». . X72T. iKi7s- Kevolt S..1I7..-720 73737 Toddv Hodge 4 lis 715 72045 Merrill 1:02" 4..115..X715 72077. Colden Rule 1:01" 11 . . 110. . ■ 710 72242 Hirtle iMfi 1 1 . .117. . • 71o 723488 Slipperv 1*4881 4. .113 710 72348 flB—lii l:0:;j 4. .115 705 72tlli; Daisy Fros: 4. .11.3 705 72574 Florena 4. 113 700 72574 Baby Ketfa 4..U3 — VM ..... Ind. ** lb. IF.... A. V Wt Wt. Hdep. Il.l.-n sc*. ll.--. 87870 llreaore o. .li».. x«75 72727 Baiudleu 4.. 113 «»1.5 8MMN iininionjr 11..11B....BM QajBBB of the Camp, gr. in, by Dun ton - Mamie Clark B. .117 Fourth Rare — 1 1-8 Miles. 4 year olds and upward. Selling. I Truck record: 72.10—1:51? li- Hk». I i720»;ii t hiswell 7. .DC 725 i720K2i Corgalete 1:831 8. .MB 720 7271MC Woni.-lhis I :52J 5. . lo7. . X7L5 72700* Gtovaaal Baletio 1:SS 8.. M..XT1S 727is Perry Wlekek •;. 1o7. . y7lo 727MI Ed Sheridan ..2:01 ♦;. . 104 . . 710 72977 Belt-Bear* 4. . *»5. . / 710 72714 trepps Beekhaai .".. .104. . / 7o7, 7208.1 Meddling Daley 5..102 705 727M Amil s. . St..X1M Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 4- ear olds and upward. S«dlin4*. Track record: 72MB 1:111 1 -! -. 72718 Dead D. 1:14* ».. .112. . V 725 727I23 Nonie Lucille 1:13 5. . 117. . ©720 724MB Tei.crcss I*12j C..M7..X71S 72846 Louise litzgibbon 1:141 4..1.M 715 72552 Sir BttsaeJl 1:12* 5. .lot. .V7I5 728B8 John J. Bogeta 1:15 4.. km; 710 72000 I.lch.iuib.r 1:15 4..M*8..X7|B 72-4!f. Slv Ben 1:13 5. .MB. . XT05 72027 Colden Wave 1:12 4..104../705 72f.ol Lvdie WroiiHiiian ...1:15 0. .107. . - 7«t 72027 Alice I ary 1:14" 8. .1«M. . XTM Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. I yeai olds. Maiden-. Selling. t ..Its and Cehlings. Tract record: 72MB -l;ll"— 2— !»2. 72710 Dr. Simriill 1:1 4$ 107.. /725 7271! Sir Angus .til... 720 7271!! Ceorge Byrnes .".... 715 727l:» The Hammer !« 715 00254 H.-nry of Shennamere Mf....TlB T28B8 Max Raj BB....TM 728M Suzerain 107.. X 705 72427 Bonton SB. ...TBS 7271! Decorator SB. ...780 72025 M.sback 84.... 7488 72025 B. A. Carlisle 102. ...4MB 72572. Soldano !! 0!n» 7271!» *FIoriston 104 700 •Kan formerly as Volanb- II. The figures under "Bee." in above entriea show the best time made by the horse at the distance since January 1, lfiOfi.