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New Orleans Entries and Past Performances for Friday, January 17. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK GOOD. illaiulb anaei for a go Ml track. I , f ; 1 • a . . . , •• . ■1 ,. NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Fair Gnainds. I | For differences in weight add or deduct ! 5 points to the pound. An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds. Kaeine; starts at 2 p. in. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mini runner. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3 year-olds Selling. Track record: 00000— 1:051— 4— 112. in.i. stoma, i:.e. a. wt. Uaep, 72f 17- Sainesaw 1:12. MB. . X725 13938 lea Leaf l:OS* 105.. y 720 72745 Risk 1:0S5 100.... 715 7207:; Brimmer 110..X715 73ES28 Nicht Mist 105 710 72017 Bitterly 105. . X705 72i;::7 Dh k Rose MC..XT8S 727O0- .lovlnl Ladv 1:11s lOo 700 72i.;0:i Ben Sand MB. . X 700 7254S The Thorn 102 .. X 700 72::i«i Osmonds l:13i MB..XBM 72CW ladrwie 1:071 110. .X600 720.5:: McGraaoc laS..xBM 72417 Redemption 100 HSO ..d 72001 Harrington . . . 110. .. .075 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. Track record: 60000—1:051—4—112. 7215:: Rustle 1:081 10:;.. ©725 73508 Hollow 1:061 10S 715 71833* Queens Souvenir 1 :07* 100. .X710 71161* Bridge Whist . . .• 1:08 110 705 73337 Tackle 1:08* 110.. ©705 7207.", Third Rail l:OSS 107..X705 73873s Ethel Carr 1:15* 10:;..X705 7207:: Ketchemike 1:071 113..X700 72274 Oreaa IMi ios..x700 7l!tr,7 Mackerel 102.. X 700 725S4 Ed Kane 1:00 1 107.. ©605 72t:::7 Bounding Elk 1:07* 105.. x 005 72ti..7 Arrow Swift 1:0S* 105..X600 72020 Katherine Murphy 105.. X 090 73337 Win. H. Lyon 1 :07 105 680 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 43682— 1:12*— 5— 107. 720.55- French Nun 1:14 5.. 101.. X 725 72727 Allowmaise 1:14J 4..100..X72O 72C.1S Tudor 1:13* 4..105..X715 71*57 Consistent 1:13 B. .104. . X715 73311* Black Mantilla 1:14* 5..104..X710 722*11 Animus 1:l«s 4..07..X710 721MO Prince of Pless 1:15* 5..106..X705 73982 Daring 1:13| 5..104..X705 73331 Dario 4..102..X705 720I8 Wanraway 1 : 1-**- 4..105..X700 72018 George Bailey l:17t 4.. 102.. ©700 In. I. Horses. Bee. A. Ml Mara. 722412 Penrkya 1:13* 5..13B..X4w8 808.10 lladnr 1:1U 5..W3..X6IO 722m It. M. McLeod I .102. two 37386 Jack Bratton #.. 1*2. . . 050 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 4 year-olds ami upward. Selling. 1 Track utanl: 49833 1 :l2*-5 lo7. 1 7272i; Gamblinus 1:13 0. 101 . . .- 725 72117 DraM 0.. 33.. 3733 72072 O.uville l:l.-i 4..103..X72H 7o::::2 loan Smulski 1:131 0.. loo., x 715 72054 Ralbert 1:13; 0. .10*1. . ©71" H2730 Kurtzmanu 8. .10!». . ..7Ht 720.-.0 : Debar 1:20 S..108..D8tO 72022 Javamse 1:141 4..163..X630 7220.-, L. S. B. 1:15s 4.. 07.. 6M 7272 i Rebo 1:13| 7. 100 OS.", 72057 Bla.k Burn l:lSjf 4 . . 102. .©Os;, 72388 Gold Circle l:ttj 4..101..X683 72057 Russell T. 1:15* 4..16B..X380 720:l2: Rappahannock 1:15» 4. .105. . X075 72:;04 Mr. Pealnxly l:l»i 4..102. .X075 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Fillies and Mares. • Track record: 07201— 1 :45i!— 0—104. 72711- MIS.S STROMK 1:17* 4..105..X725 72070 Ladv Oakland 7. .105. . x7H 73858 Ladv Alicia 4. .100. . x7lo 727.31 Ladv Charade 1:40* 5..105..X705 72.V.1 Footlights Favorite. .. 1 :48* 7.. 100.. X 706 720.VS Sister Pollv 4..105..©7M 72440 Lemon Girl 1:40* 7..105..X700 72040 Odd Ella 1:52 S..M6..X703 72711 Zinfandid 4..05..©7fM» 7271 1 Tvroliau 8. .133. . X 005 72711 Alegra *.. 8B..X38B 73483 Idalo 4.. 05 1kS i 72404 Athena 1:47s 7.. 105.. X 075 714S42 Sweet Kitty 4.. 8B..X67S 72531 Muzie ONeill 4.. 95 075 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds. Selling. Track record: 67077— 1:43s— 3— 00. 72548 Hans lo!»../725 72073 Thomas Calhoun 1:56 MB.. 338 72073 Miss Mazzoni W4..X713 72and 1- Bulkhead 100..X71O 72;73 Himalaya 133..X785 72545 Bitter Man 106. .X 706 725S4 Moscow Belle 103. . X 705 TtTTT* fttnar Street 10S..X7OO 72510 Jennies Beau 108 7H 72745- George II. White 1:50; 105..X70O 72504 Melange !8..X70t 7272S LotBS Brandt 101 .. X 005 73881* Bucking Boy 105..X01M 7205:! Floridaglen 10S..X0S5 72545 Busy Boy 100 675 The figures under "Rec." in above entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance since January 1, 1006.