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THIRD RACE— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 8SS28--1 :20— 3— 87. A RUSTLE, ch. f. 3. bv Russell— Lady Louisa L. A. Calla. Weight foday 95. * 72837 City Park 2 4 l:T9f mod 7 K I 4 4 4; :•.*. S Flynn E.T.Shipp. EthelCarr L; 7 ■■;•:.: v .Grounds Eft f 1 :o»ft good 3J 148 I 2 1 V 2.. S Flynn Arrow Swift. Third Rail. Hollow. ■ 724.".:: City Park 3-4 1:15 good 18-5 105* 9 I 5 4 4" Notter Apaehe. Dew of Pawn. Severus. D 7l:;s.! City Park 3-4 1:I7| slowll-10 IM 11 G 4 45 V Notter lU«bel Queen. Ketchemike, Ansonis. 7: THOMAS CALHOUN, b. c, 3. by Knight of tho Thistle— Tantalize A- Weber. Weight today 100. J; 727*7 IMirnils 1ni7nv l:47f good 7 I":: 7 M s 8 V Et| C Henry tfateage, MissMazzoiii. Mos. Belle. „; 77*71 F.Ornds imiuv 1:50 hvv 15 % lo y 8 5 ] . 1* C Henry libel C:irr, ioldipn-st. Ranrida. ■ 7237 F. Grounds 3 4 1 :17i slow 12 HE, 12 12 12 9 G" Jos Hogg Bitter Sir, Alsatian. Stone Street. SAlNESAW, b. f. 3. by Sain— Kennesaw Queen B. Schreiber. Weight today 95. 7S74B FGrounds Eft f l:48t.*jSod I K I I 4 V T* Brussel The Tliorn. Night Mist. Pick Rose. 73617 FGrounds Eft f l:12g livv 4 10C 10 9 I 31 2- J Lee .Tavotte. Frescatl. Donaldo. B Ttftt F.Ckrounda 7-S l:36g mud 9-5 104 G 4 1 1 l3 21 R MePaulTliinlRail, Tlios.Calhoun, Sweetener 7 GOLDQUEST, b. g. 3. by Goldcrest — Quesal H. B. Duryea. Weight today 108. • 72HS7 Cltj Park 1-4 1:1*1 mud I] MS t; I N V V _.l Lee v.. T. Sliipp. Apple Itoddy, Kustle. L 7. ;7:: P. Or* ads lm70yl:56 hvy :2 In.*. 8 11 10 9 C 34i V Powers Tlios. Calhoun. Ethel Carr. Banrida. 73SM F.OsaMtads 7-S-1:35? mud 15 111 5 5 7 3 3 l4 .1 l,ee M.Mttzzonl. EthelCarr, Ketchemike. * BSM City Park 7-8 1:28 fast 12 111 9 9 9 9 8« S*iNieol St. Ilario, Woodlane, Melange. FRESCATI. b. f, 3, by Masettc— Frogmore CE. 8. Gardner. Weight today 95. I 73873 K.Or*nds lmTOy I : : hvy 30 M 12 M 11 7 5 #6" S Flynn Tbos. Calhoun. EthelCarr. Goldqaest m 72S17 P.aroands Eft f 1:721 hvy Efl 97 12 10 G Vh::* S Klvnn Javotte. Sahiesaw. Donaldo. 72291 F.Grnds lm70yl:53 mud 20 M 8 8 G I C1* 5« Hufnagel A.Dufour, Lady Oakland, Llsterine. J PAT ORNUS. ch. g. 3. by Ornus— Patti Rosa H. Heidel. Weight today 97. - 72383 City Park 1 1 1:771 slow 30 tut , ti s ;•- icj Kolin Rckel Queen. Ketchemike. Rustle. ■ 72S4S Ft; rounds 5 S 1 :08g hvy 50 l«2 . 5 7 7 51. 3,:1 Kolni LaSouer. Bounding Elk, EthelCarr. ■ nEH ity lark 5J f 1:07? fast 75 M 8 8 8 8* 79 F Burton Lens, Al Miiller, Momentum. e, JAVOTTE. br. f, 3. by St. George— Marie Jansen W. F. Mathews. Weight today 100. E 72C73 I.c.rnds 1m7ov1:5G hvy S !»:: I •: I I !• 10" T Koerner Tlios.Calhoun. EthelCarr. Cold. pie. it j 72617 FGroands ;"... 1" 1 :KJg livy 8 107 2 I 2 1= 1- 0 Koerner Sain esaw. Frescatl. Ponaldo. ~ 71248 l.itoiiia Eftfl:tJ hvy 7 100 5 5 G 72 68* T Koerner Orlandot, Melzar. Dr. Simrall. 7 BOUNDING ELK. b. c, 3, by Ruskin II.— Miss Ball H. H. Selbv. Weight today 95. 7: 727K: F.«: rounds ."•• f 1 :i 9i good .■» 105 !t :i 7 10.. II4 J BriMiks Arrow Swift. Rustle. Third Rail. g 7207 F. "rounds 2-4 1:174 slow 12 lo0 6 10 9 10 8BJ Jas Hogg Bitter Sir. Alsatian. Stone Street. 7 :;tr. IM; rounds 5-S l:0Sg livv 25 M 2 2 I 2" V .las Hogg La Souer. Pat Ornns. Ethel Carr. - 71": II Kenning 7-8 l:30g slop 30 92 3 2 4 4 4« 4-Uas Hogg Higginbotham. Roy. Lady, ElDorado 7 TACKLE, b. c. 3. by Arkle— Anacleta C. E. Patterson. Weight today 95. 7 72811 City Paik E I 1 o::j slow 12 Hit I 7 E 51. 5« V Powers Eslella C The Thorn. McGregor. j 7T063 FGroands 5. f 1 :09J good 20 lltt I 8 8 8 8"1. V Powers Arrow Swift. Rustle, Third Rail. 72637 FGroands I 4 1 :17ft slow 15 1U8 5 4 4 4 5° J Lee Bitter Sir. Alsatian, Stone Street. j IBM I -".c. rounds 5 J f 1:10 slow 8 106 2 7 10 91 12,,U Riley Apaehe, Arrow Swift. Bitter Man. 7 ROSE DALY. br. f. 3. by Ormicant-»-Aida Dunn J. G. Brown. Weight today 100. 7 i .:i itv Park 1-2 48J fast 115 5 5 5 $■« J Dalv Black Mary. Sainesaw, Frescati. g e*G9l City Park 4 1 2f :.5R fast M I 1 1« V D Poland Ortaadst. Edna Motter, Wat .Cooler j HUB Ciiy Park 1-2 49i fast 100 G G P 5*1 C.aug.d Lady Irene, A.O.Walker, Sainesaw ] STONE STREET, b. r. 3, by Longstreet— Stonenellie O. E. Hamilton. Weight today IOC 7 ,i.7 FOr*nds Un76y 1:47? good 12 ms 8 6 7fi 15 IS i:.::7..c Kouacr Msliaga, ftflsaMasasal. M . Belle, j 7 r,::7 F. Grounds 3-4 1 :17ft slow 15 105 8 8 5 Zl 33 Uoyd Bitter Sir. Alsatian. Sahado. . 72175 City p.nk 1 1 :42R good 20 98 7 5 G 7 6* 7;". Muleswli Dew -of Dawn, Hans. Severus. - 72421 City lark ..J f 1 :0Sg good 5 109 7 4 4 4- 44 Notter Apache, Bitter Sir. Thos. Calhoun. 7 BEN SAND. br. c, 3. by Ben Brush— Sandfly J. Griffin. Weight today 106. j . 27« F.Orounds Eft f iMt good M „:, • in s G t*ft W Ott The Thorn, Night Mist. Dick Rose. v 72G3G K. Grounds 3-4 l:17g slow 50 ion 7 112 3-± !•" brother Sweetener, BuekingBoy, Iadrone. 7 ftta liilonia 5Jf 1:08 fast 30 10G G G E 52 69 J Lee Melzar. Mvstifler. Marion Moore. 7 71211 Latonia GJf1:13 hvy 29 103 3 4 5 71 7" *Heidel Lit. Osage, ColonelBob. J.McCarthy. j BAYOU LARK. ch. c. 3. by Giganteum — Sea Bird Barthe and Cook. Weight today 100. 7 73M S.c.iounds 2-4 1 :17g slow 30 MS E I ■ 9 9",,,D Riley Sweetener. BuekingBoy. BenSand. 7 725s:: K.Crounds 7-S l:3Gg mud 25 MS 1 G 7 9 . ■ 9u Lloyd Third Rail. Sainesaw. Tlios.Calhoun 7 72491 Citv Park 51 f 1:081 fast 25 ;in 11 7 9 7 7" Ilufnagel Alsatian, Melange. Bitter Sir. „ 72.:and:t City Park 2-4 1:17ft slow 100 9S 1 2 G lloMii= Ilufnagel Rebel Queen, Ketchemike, Rustle. ■ BITTER FAIR. b. f. 3. by Bitter Root— Fair Wilmerding J. C. Cahn. Weight today 90. 7 t:«737 ]- Grounds I 1-2 f 45g hvy 102 G G GJ 6°4 A- Martin Catherine F., Lattice. Blister. 7 CG6?-J F. Grounds 3 1-3 t 43J mud 9G 10 10 10 10-l Goldstein Lattice. Dew of Dawn. Rubjwick. LADY SEAHORN, b. f, 3, by Cesarion— Shibboleth. Weight today 95. First siait.