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GOOD ENTRIES FOR SHEEPSHEAD BAY. The stakes of the Coney Island Jockey Club, which closed for entries Jauuary 2. filled as well as was to be cxpecled. and any deficiency in quantity, a-compared with former years, has been more than made up in quality. All of the really desirable horses now in action or in winter quarters have iccii nominated, and that the racing at the big rlnOis next meet ing will vie in interest with any • f its predecessors is well assured. The stakes and the number of entries received were as follows: For Three-Year-Olds and Over. Suburban Handicap. 1 1-4 miles 00 Commonwealth Handicap. 1 14 miles 4."i The June Handicaps, viz. — Coney Island Handicap. :;-4 mile 77 Sheepshead Bay Handicap. 1 mile.... 77 Long Island Handicap. 1 1-S miles 77 Vdvance Stakes. 1 .VI 0 miles 2S Equality Stakes. 1 mile ."11 Thistle Stakes. 1 IS miles li« For Three-Year-Olds. Swift Stakes. 7-S mile _ 47 Spindrift Stakes. 1 1-8 miles 4,s For Two-Year-Olds. Great Trial Stakes. D-4 mile 91 Double Event— First Half. .". 1-2 furlongs Nil Second Half. 3-4 mile M Zephyr Stakes. B 3 -1 furlongs S6 Spring Stakes. :;-4 mile 7ft Vernal Stakes. o-S mile S2 Steeplechases. independence, alxuit 2 1-2 miles ::7 Hcacon. about 2 1-2 miles 41 Introductory, about 2 miles :;7