untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1908-01-25


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♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I NEW LOUISVILLE JOCKEY CLUB j ♦ "CHURCHILL DOWNS/ ♦ T CHAS. F. GRAINGER, President. LYMAN H. DAVIS, Secretary. M. J. WIHNM, Vice President and Manager. H. C. APPLEGATE, Treasurer *i ♦ 4 ♦ The Debutante Stakes for 1908. The Bluegrass Stakes for 1908. ♦ THE DEBUTANTE STAKES.— For two year-old fillies-. £ ■■■■ JA WW mmm THE BLUEGRASS STAKES.— For three-year-olds that 4k k to accompany tb nomination; 0 additional to start. ,000 |w 1 #% IL L§ k bave not won a sweepstakes or two races of any kind prior to 2r* added, of which 00 to second and 00 to tliiid. Winners of fcV I ■ L IM P tne cIo8lnS of tbis stakes. to accompany tbe nomination; T a sweepstakes to carry 3 lbs.; of two, 5 lbs. extra. Maidens $."»0 additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second ▼ allowed 5 lbs. Four Furlongs. p q ry and 00 to third. Weight, 112 lbs. Winners of a sweep- W , StakeS °r °f tW0 races after FebruarT t 1908 selling purses ▲ -r. — ■ - - - - - - irkrto • - The BaSnfOrd IVIanOr OtdkeS fOr l9UO. .- - . _. excepted, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 8 lbs. X ▲ THE BASHF0RD MANOR STAKES.— For two-year-old W t/ — ml I 1 ij s«ven Furlongs. J colts and peldings. to accompany the nomination; 0 addi- * ■ ■ ■ ■ V M • ♦ tional to start. ,000 added, cf which 00 to second and 00 P"" LOUISVlllC otCeplCClldSC fOT .v** 1908. ♦ It Jl P T" I IV I f ♦ to third. Winners of a sweepstakes to carry 3 lbs.: of two. WW ■" ■ I I tm V3 THE L0UISVILLE STEEPLECHASE.— A Handicap for ♦ ■ Wi haa ha ■ 11 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Four and a Half Furlongs. three-year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; A ▲ 0 additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second X The Juvenile Stakes for 1908. a q q »n i • ■• to third: fourth t0 saye stake, weights to be an- J T THE JUVENILE STAKES.-A Selling Sweepstakes for | v7 J O n0unced tW° dayS pri°r t0 the day of the race- Winners a«er ♦ weights are posted to carry 5 lbs. extra. Four or more horses # X two year-olds. to accompany the nomination; 0 additional ♦ of different interest to start or the race be declared off. may to start. ,000 added, of which O0 to second and 00 to % Ful1 Course About » Miles. third. The winner to be sold at auction. Those entered to be L sold for ,500 to carry weight for age. Allowances: 2 lbs. for A ♦ rrtS1! rStVTJ Thc Louisvmc Hancap for 1908. i Also Kenturkv Dprhv **IMJ l£ll lUt»ly Utfl Uy THE LOUISVILLE HANDICAP. -For three-year-olds T + named through the entry box. at the usual hour of closing, the and ♦ day prior to the race, and those so named will be liable for the J ■• - ■ n I TT* ° ° accum»My tlie nomination; 0 additional to ▼ T starting fee. Five Furlongs. 3111 KPntllP.KV iltflK Btart. ,250 added, of which 00 to second and 00 to third. ♦ *■■■*■ ■%*/■■ I WHJ V/MlliJ Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the A ♦ The Clark Handicap for 1908. +... iaaa taceHWinDeK;; at raee- °rth;;r than a "***£-?•. *** ♦ TAf IMIIM weights are posted, to carry ., lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. X ♦ THE CLARK HANDICAP.— For three year-olds and up- I VI tJJ%J 0 to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to k tward. start. ,500 added, of which 00 to second and 50 to third. ~~ The KClltUCRy DCI*by fOr 1909. * ♦ Weights to be announced three days prior to the day of the _ m„„ mTT,„„„ „„„„,„, „,,„, „ ♦ » THIRTY-FIFTH RUNNING OF THE KENTUCKY + race. Winners of a race, other than a selling purse, after - ♦ DERBY.-For three-year-old* foals of 190ft. to accompany weights are posted, to carry 5 lbs. extra. OT,LCC xft , nOI= STAKES TO CLOSE tne nomination; » to be paid May 1. 100S: 0 to be paid T ♦ One Mile and a Sixteenth. • March 1, 1909. 00 additional to start. The value of the ▼ % The frank Fehr Stakes for 1908. SatllHlaV FebrUarV 1 SSTJSKSSTrnllSSrSS: i kMiHI* MM M. VU1 UU1 M THE FRANK FEHR STAKES.— A Selling Sweepstakes for J f J winners of a three-year-old race of the value of ,500 allowed J X three-year-olds and upward. to accompany the nomination; 5 lbs.; maidens, 12 lbs. One Mil© and a Quarter. ▼ 0 additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second — • ▼ + and 00 to third. The winner to be sold by auction. Those T|-0 Ka»nHl*»kv fiakt frti* IQflQ ♦ entered to be sold for ,000 to carry weight for age: if en III© lC IH.Ul»ly VQIVa IUI laU9. J tered to be sold for ,000. 4 lbs. below the scale, then 1 lb. DlWrAC C/fftfl «lf1i9 CCIIA THE THIRTy"FIFTH RUNNING OF THE KENTUCKY ▼ allowed for each 00 to ,000, then .1 lb. allowed for each f Ulautlf lUU dllU jUU OAKS.— For three-year-old fillies foals of 1906. to accom- ▼ hi to 00. Winners of a sweepstakes after March 15, 190S, pany the nomination; 0 to be paid May 1, 1908; 5 to be ▲ not to be entered to be sold for less than ,400. Starters, Handicaps andCf nN/] C7AA pai1 Maren 1- 1909- 10° additional to start. The value of the Willi soiling price, to be named through the entry box. at The CVCrV DaV * wDUU uIlQ w/UU stakes to be ,000, of which 00 to second and 50 to third. X usual hour of closing, the day prior to the race, and those s-j Non-winners of a three-year-old race ol the value of ,000 r named will be liable for the starting fee. One Mile. . ____ allowed 5 lbs.; maidens, 12 lb.. One Mile and a Sixteenth. 1 ♦ ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS AND ENTRIES TO 4 % LYMAN H. DAVIS, Secretary, - - - - LOUISVILLE, KY. t i NOW FOR SALE j I The American Racing Manual for 1908 | BOUND IN LEATHER: BOUND IN PAPER: | C From Newsdealers or this Office . . 75 cents From Newsdealers or this Office . . 50 cents v S By Registered Mail . ...... 85 cents By Registered Mail 60 cents c I DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO., 1 | 124 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. TODAY YOUR LAST CHANCE to get in on our .00 X Special. Remember, it is guaranteed to WIN AND WIN ONLY, or we will yive all ■■bliilhiLj a .00 subscription to our Daily One-Horse Wire, whieh liou.- since Deceuilx-r 24tli 25 Wires: 17 Won, 6 Second. The price of our daily wire is S1.00 PER WIRE .00 SIX WIRES Yesterday 4 Dally One Horje Wire was: We also in ve to all clients FREE and showed ttle£ram on Marion Louise 1-1 Won PAUL .... 6-5 Won SATURDAY S TUEF RATINGS BEST BET: Jag— 17 use new issue No ii TURF REPORTER S SPECIAL: 37—13—39—49—64—47—19 um- baot No. M« . Positively nothing will be given out on -our Extra Special at office until 11 oclock. TCWOODco ROOM 312 " 59 DEARBORN STREET gj CHICAGO, ILL. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Room 37, 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Vetenla.vs Spe.ial. MINOT. 12-1. WON. Todays Special: Texas. Myrtle, Medley, Robin. .00 per month. 25 cents per copy. PAUL 6 -5 WON This was our special. Saturday, Jan. 25th, our .00 Extra Special goes. Guaranteed to win or next special free. DONT MISS THIS ONE. GEORGE and CO., 913 HOLLAND BLDG., ST. LOUIS, MO. RUSTLE ... 7-2 Won »V_ jet best bet en «■ DAILY THREE-HORSL WIRE vesi.nlay. Terms: .00 Weekly: .00 Daily. August Grw™-l!i™- U-KS5£T%a*1rT . THE STANDARD TURf GLIDE, Sooiu til. 69 Dearborn 8treet. Chicaco. NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908012501/drf1908012501_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1908012501_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800