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j • 1 I ; t t II 11 n SEEKING HORSES FOR HAVANA MEETING. Tampa. Fin.. February 14. — Alberto Ruiz, representing the Havana Racing Association has been at Tampa for several days for the purpose of induc-j ing horsemen racing here to ship to Havana for the meeting which b gins at Buena Vista March 12. Wednesday was Spanish day and tlie Spanish ambassador to the Daises] Stales. Bon Kamon Pinta y Millet t. accompanied by Senor Antonio Caston. secretary of the Spanish Legation at Washington and other distinguished guests, viewed the races from a special box. The management has decided to continue the meeting for five days beyond the date scheduled foe closing. Asa N. McQueen has been secured as the track veterinarian and paddock judge during the rest of the meeting. Yest -rday was governors day and .ovenu.r Broward was present and occupied a chair in the judges staud.