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i i » • 1 ! , J ; 1 . j "• i ■ 1 ADVISED CUSKING TO PURCHASE CLIFFORD. Trainer William McBanicl. who is spending the winter at Shcepsbead Bay conducting the Grove Hotel, which his brother. Henry McBaniel. purchased la-t fall, says there is little doing around the old house this winter and that the village is dull with tlie exception of training news. "But tilings are looking up a bit now," says McDaniel, "witli the approach of spring, and there are a lot of horses down here and some good ones. Do 1 expect to train some winners; Well. I hope to. I used to have a winner or two and maybe this will be my year again." McBaniel has a record for winning Berbys. but modestly refused to say how many. He happened to mention Boundless, which won the American Derby of UBBk when McBaniel was training for J. B. Cushiug, the owner of Boundless and Lookout then. "I thought a lot of Clifford." says McBaniel. ••and though Boundless won the Derby and Clifford was third. I knew that he was a much better horse than ours, so when the race was over I said to Pushing. "Now you have a chance to sell Boundless and buy a real good racehorse. You can get 3.0OO ftsf Boundless, you have won 9,300 in this stake lK*sides your bets, and you can buy Clifford for 3,000 or 0,000. " No. no. saM Cashing, I wont sell Boundless for any 3,000. " It is more than hes worth and you can get it. I said, and you are letting Cliffi rd get away from you when you ought to have hiin. but Pushing wouldnt hear of it. and so he kept Boundless and let Clifford get away. And Clifford won eleven i straight races that year, dials all he did. "Some one was saying a while ago that Rogers I always had Clifford, lint I think you will hud that is a mistake. Cliff Porter, down iu Kentucky. heal him as a two-year-old, and it was at that lime he was lost or stolen. He disappeared from 1 Lexington. Ky.. where Porter had his stable, and for some time nobody knew what had become of him. but they found him down at Paris. Ky., and Porter raced him as a two-year old. Afterward Leigh and j JOISt Rose mi -ii! It MHO i in and .11111 then I IU II Rogers HO 1 ~ OOi did the I I1C training." IL"OIOI_. _ .