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. . i . . . i SECOND RACE — 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 732S1— 40J— 2— 105. 4 J. H. REED, ch. c, 2, by Woolsthorpc — Liska P. T. Chinn. Weight today 110. 73115 S. Anita 3J f 41 fast 8 110 2 ll 9 Jno Hensy Lee Rose. Valjean. Kuin.iee. 7:!338 S. Anita 31 f 42] mud I 1 S | 6h 2ft Jno HensyForee, Inclement, El Piearo. 73223 and Anita 3i f 41ft fast 8 108 2 2J 2 Jno HensyLa Paladin, Inclement, Heydentus. STEEL, b. c, 2, by Mimic— Star S. C. Hildroth. Weight today 110. 73166 S. Anita 8-» 35g fast 8-5 110 5 3h 31 E Dugan Bold, Palo Alto, Who. 73070 S. Anita 31 f 411 slow 4 106 .2 lh 24 E Dagaa Hampass, Mad.Musgrave Allenl-ee 73032 S. Anita 3-8 37 slop 12 110 3 3ft 5J E tuf;an Horace H., Luckv Mate, Right Sort INCLEMENT, b. c, 2, by Peep oDay — Raindrop C. and B. Stable. Weight today 110. 7333S S. Anita 31 f 42ft mud 15 ■ 108 9 31 331 W MclnreForce. J. H. Reed, EI Piearo. 73223 S. Anita 31 f 41| fast 20 10S 7 31 3l E Dugan La Paladin, J. H. Reed, Hevdentus 73032 S. Anita 3-8 37 slop 10 110 7 7 7* Harty Horace H„ Lucky Mate, Right Sort HEYDENTUS, b. c, 2, by Heywood — Identical J. Touhey. Weight today 103. 73177 8. Anita 12 4S fast 40 102 I 8 8 7" .Sl]riner Madrileno, Cull Holland. Horace H. 73223 S. Anita SI f 41ft fast 20 los 8 U 4» Rons La Paladin, J. H. Reed. Inclement. 73166 S. Anita 3 8 35ft fast 30 103 7 61 6» C Ross Bold, Palo Alto, Steel. MISS ALVESCOT. ch. f, 2, by Alvescot— Flatbush Maid R. F. Carmanl. Weight today 107. 73319 s. Anita 3A f 41?. slop 12 99 1 5- 4". G Burns Valjean, Horace!!., D.ofMllan. 73051 s. Anita 3-S 36g slow 13 5 1 7 5 CA 4 Moriarity Antioch, Colored Lady. B. Thorpe. FRED MAIER, t. c, 2. by Solitaire II. — Piquante A. G. Dunlop. Weight today 110. 73201 a Anita 3j f 411 fast 25 103 5 ji S8 G ArchibdMattie Russell, Horace II., Chllla. 72936 R Anita 3-8 371 slop 8 110 3 6l 5"HG ArchibdBlameless, Joe Gallens. Horace H. 72897 S. Anita 3-8 35g slop 12 103 7 6* 51* G ArchludRoseQueen, FrapkClancy, B. atone. CORIELE, ch. g, 2, by Alvescot— Ilus G. J. Long. Weight today 107. 147 B. Anita . f | —. plow 20 I09J ■"■ 8 8*1 D Boland Aunt Aggie, Colored Lady. Ant loch .-■• S. Anita :" s •; go. id 1- II"" 4 4i 4 I Poland HwiMM. Mad.Musgravc, Ban the I. 72S97 8. Anita 3 8 3 ", slop 13 MH 9 S2 717 I Poland BoaeQnaen, FriinkClaney, R. Stone. FURNACE, b. c. 2. by Canopus— Oalora W. B. Jennings. WafM today 103. I S. Anita :;?, f 41 last 1H 110 4 3 41 Harty Leo Uo e. J. II. Kccd. Yaljcan. ISSN s. An,t:i ::". f i :im 1 :;0 Ms I - i *»! Hnrty Force. J. H. Heed, Inclement. .Ass. Anita 3-8 35 fast 15 113 1 M WlBvate*. Mulcna. FriiukChincy, Mar.Pelorme AKS-AR-BEN, b. c. 2. by Ben Brush — Hampton Belle J. Stephenson. Weight today 103. .;.-: S. Anita "A t ll teal M Ml 12 W»P B BMDkl La ralatlin. .T. II. Kccd. Inclement. 89 8 Anila 1 4sj last "00 in I 7 7" 71- Slnlncr Achieve, loicguard. Ialo Alto. 7 Ma B Anita 3J f 43? hvy 50 110 S 9 9 J W Mi-InrcL. Mulligan. AuntAggie. LuckyMate SEMPER FIDELIS. b. c. 2. by Maddison — Work J. J. Walsh. Weight today 103. IN S. Ani, a 1 ! 4s last 100 1"S 9 10 10 W* Lloyd Aunt Aggie, Madrilcn... Antiooh. . :s s. Anita :" I I"1 fast 30 111 S I I JJ Cullman ADtioch. Force. MadelineMusgravc 7!2-3 S. Anita 3* f 411 fast 20 110J 1 SI 11"1.I Pullman I.a Inladin. J. II. Ueed, Inclement. WILDWOOD. br. c. 2. by Santello — Zalvidea Oakwood Stock Banch. Weight today 103. .147 S. Anita S t 42g slow 40 Ml 1 73 7"J M Preston Aunt Aggie, Colored Ijidy. Antlocu Tii.of, s. Anita is 35 fast 30 104 7 0* 8** W Fischer Uantlicl. H. Ormonde, Arrnic Wells. MM B Anita 3-S 35g fast 20 110 13 ll1 10131T Taylor Valjean, Horace II.. Fred Maler. KNIGHT OF THE EAST, ch. c, 2, by Sir Knight— Ischium H. T. Griffin. Weight today 103. 73911 S. Anita 3J f "43 slop 50 loS 8 8" 7" W McInrcMad.Musgrave, Uampass, An. Wells 7LSi4 S. Anita 3 8 354 fast 9 102 9 12= 131" Goldstein Traffic, Ohllla. Silk Hose. 7267S s. Anita 3-8 348 fast 20 102 4 5h 9201M Preston Achieve, Cop. Princess, M.Musgrave. ■/ first start for the following: STRINGENCY, b. c. 2. by Sempronius— Tasmania R. L. Thomas. Weight today 110. DEL CRUZADOR. b. c. 2. by Emperor of Norfolk— Atalanta II. E. J. Baldwin. Weight today 110.