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JOCKEYS AND BETTING IN ENGLAND The rule recently passed by the Victorian Racing Cub permitting jockeys to bet through the owner of the animal on the horse they are rldinsr is a most sensible one The existing rule In England brought about in the first instance by a non Itctting owner the late Mr James tiowther is both a foolish and pernicious one as it has led to jockeys betting surreptitiously and thereby getting themselves mixed up with and often in the hands of men of a most undesirable type To let a trainer bet on a horse he prenares and not allow the rider to is really too absurd and it would be a grand thing if our rules were altered to let no jockey bet except upon his oyn mount and that if he is discovered speculating on any other horse his license shall be taken away for the remainder of his days without hope of appeal This would be a hard but just rule the existing one is quite the reverse and I consider most harmful whilst it has caused the loss to the turf of one of the greatest jockeys ever seen in Tod Sloan whose chief offense was the not after all very heinous crime of heavily supporting his own mount Codoman In the Cambridgeshire of 1900 Horse and Hound