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TRICKERY IN FAVOR OF BETTING BILLS Now York April 25 Announcement was made in Eliniro yesterday that the vote of Senator Cas sldy against the race track bill was due to a tele ¬ gram from Congressman Passett at Washington vhich hail been tampered with Congressman Pas pelt said last night in Elniira that the story was true On the day HIM race track bill came up In tl senate Congressmen Fassolt and Dwight united in a telegram to Senator Cassidy which it is stated when liled read readJohn John and I urge you to stand by the governor on the race track bill owing to conditions in your district 1 S Passett PassettThat That telegram when it readied Cassidy read as follows followsJohn John and I urge you not to stand by the gov ¬ ernor on the rare track bills etc etcThe The next day when it became known in Warhing ton that the governor had been Iwaten another tele ¬ gram was sent to Cassidy as follows followsJohn John and I think yon have made a serious if not fatal mistake Get bnsv move to reconsider and pass the bill J S Passett PassettMr Mr Passett did not know until lie reached the state convention that the telegram hail been falsi ¬ fied An investigation was started and it is said It was found that tin telegram had been changed in Washington Mr Fassett said he had a letter from the manager of the telegraph companys otllce in that city admitting the forgery and stating that the operator responsible had been discharged