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SIXTH RACE 1 110 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 7101S 140J 1 112 112FAYETTE FAYETTE 110I gr g 5 by Ogden Turtle Dove H Dots Weight today 110 I 1 xinptoii 1 118 livy 135 10S 4 4 5 5 45 21 Warron ItuckRrlgade TCallioun Orlandot OrlandotI I L xKton 1110149 fast GJ 110 fi 5 5 5 fii 31 Warren L Maefarlan Doubt SirVaRrant 74H6G FGrounda S 12CJ fast 20 105 7 Miss Strome Spion Ren Double HAZEL PATCH ch c 4 by Kinloy Mack Listen to the Band J C tlilam Weight today 109 7444D jxiugton 1 14S livy G 107 2112 35 S11 PIckons It rrlgnrtp Lii Fnyette TCalboiiii 74J TCalboiiii74J xgion 1 110 149 fast fi5 109 2 2 2 2 75 7s Pickenn L Maefarlnn Doubt La Fayetle 71707 atonia 1 1521 mud 4 105 034 7 fij fi 7HiiIeiis Couiinunipaw Dog Rose St Noel NoelDOUBT DOUBT ch g 4 by Star Shoot Mistrust P M Civill Weight today 10G 74Ht 10G74Ht xxgton 1 110 149 fast 71 101 7 S 7 7 4t 2 t F Rurton LMnefarlan LaFayetle S Vagrant 7 9J Grnds 1 3lfi 200 fast S 107 3 fi 7 7 5 r5 J Ie Gllpln Goldway Hooray 7WS Hooray7WS City I ark 1 14 2OCJ fast 7 107 2 7 7 5 4s 33 J Lee Quagga Creel Relle Scott KATIE POWERS b m 7 by Longstreet Miss Modish fW P Reardoni Weight today 103 71410 Lexington 1 IMS hvy 10 103 199 9 9 = 5 Glasner R Prlgnde Ln Fayette TCallioun 7sul TCallioun7sul City Park 1 1S 15SJ slow 3i lor 3112 L3 J V Powers John MePride Creel Dr MeCluer 7ril MeCluer7ril City Park 1 11C 1502 good CO 100 3 5 f 5 5 JGlasner Alma Diifour Donna Ace High GREAT b g 5 by Great Bend Good Enough McB Kooro Weight today 110 74410 Ixxington 1 IMS hvy 15 10S S S S S G1 C7J J Baker RueRrigade LaFayette TCallioun 74sm TCallioun74sm 1rfxgton 1110149 fast 20 1H5 4 4 3 3 1J fii J Leo L Maefarlan Dmbt La Fayette 714S9 Fayette714S9 Windsor 1 11C 1MSI fast 3 105 12 13 13 13 12s 12 Moreland llarniakis JiinImp KoftheValley TINKER ch m 5 by Handspring Trankie J Arthur Wcisht today 103 74 1 Lexington 1147 mud 7 101 7 5 3 5 51 414 Ellenor Ed Kane Hustle Rill Herron 73239 FCrnds Im70y 152 livy 20 102 C S 10 0 10 108 lOHSiimter lOHSiimterTitc Katie Powers Denigre Creel Titc FGrnds lm0y l50i hvy 7 101J 4 7 7 C 8 7ISJNotter 7ISJNotterftANCY DrMcClner Rertha K SpongeCake ftANCY b f 4 by Hastings Nineveh E R Brennan Brennan74raW Weight today 104 74raW Lexgton 111C1M9 fast 13 fi 1 3 4 4 5 5 i J Tiuth Tiuth7SS7 Tiutlcr L Maefarlan Doubt La Fayette 7SS7 ity Park 34 117 slow 40 105 C C 9 9 9 V Pov Powers Halbert Ida May Canada 73239 FGrnds Im70y 152 hvy 12 105J 121 4 73 S 2 V Powers Katie Powers Denlgre Creel ROGER S b c 4 by St Florian Mario C R B Bradley Weight today 109 71K1C 10971K1C Latonia 1 152 livy 10 109 4 12 Prosier Perfector Cork Hill Co B 7ir02 Latonia 1 1lfi 117 fast 200 10G 9 11 11 12 12 12 R S Smith Hazel Patch Carew Miss Strome ROYAL LEGEND ch m G by In0oldsby Royal Una W G KingDodds Weight today 1C8 742H 1C8742H Lcxgton 1 110 119 fast 40 102 9 fi C C 9 9 ° J Baker L Maefarlan Doubt La Fayette 74150 FGrounds 1 1S l55g fast 15 109 r 5 4 7 5s 5 i J Raker Sylvan Relle Milshora Mazonia