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LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race The small figure under Fin unless the worse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner FIRST RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Selling 74572 100 2 109 109Index Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St i StrPin Jockeys Best Company CompanyFATHER FATHER STAFFORD b c 2 by The Friar Lingerie R L Thomas Weight today 103 1037450G 7450G Jamaica 5S 1012 fast 10 IOS S 11 I1 2A C II ShilgSt Withold Sister Phyllis Nedlhn THETIS b f 2 by Inflexible Cheesemite P J Rainey Weight today 103 103744U7 744U7 Jamaica 4 f 512 fast S 101 3 2 3 3 D McCthy Royal Captive JHHeedGFisher 74422 Aqueduct 4J f 55j fast 30 9S 7 3 3 2U S Flynn Bonnie Kelso Ramble Tom Held HeldSHAPDALE SHAPDALE ch g 2 by Shapfell Cloverdale II B 0 Stable Weight today 94 74 0 Jamaica 5S l01g fast 40 94 6 5 7 72 W Francis StWithold FStalTord S Phyllis 74497 Jamaica 41 f 512 fast 50 105 5 11 7I5iR McDanl Royal Captive J II Heed Thetis ThetisGOLD GOLD SLIPPER b f 2 by Gold Heels Sister Tenny H T Griffin Weight today 99 997447C 7447C Aqueduct 12 4Sg fast C 106 S 11 Ji 710 Musgrave Top Note ThistleBelle Qn Eleanor Eleanor7427S 7427S Coqueta73S74 Aqueduct 4 f 5GJ fast 5 IOC 6 3 3 = 34 Musgrve Voodoo Occidental Coqueta 73S74 Oakland 31 f 424 fast 15 110 3 2 k 3 i W Miller FlyingDance Yolo BubulingWater BubulingWaterALL ALL RED ch s 2 by Star Ruby Allanotte L A Cella Weight today 103 74497 Jamaica 4 f CJg fast 23 104 7 C G 6 5 Noller Royal Captive J II Reed Thetis ThetisT3CrG T3CrG Pocotaligof34S4 FGroumls 31 f 42g fast 1310 115 5 3 3 43 Xotter Intervene Slmcoe Pocotaligo f34S4 FGrounds 3S 3C3 fast 95 112 7 21 32 J Lee McNally Tom Holland Grotto 73269 City Park 3 f 42J fast 135 108 3 1 li 21 J Lee Dispute Grotto Romp RompNEDLIM NEDLIM b c 2 by Sempronius La Poupee F H Milden Weight today 102 102745MG 745MG Jamaica 5S l01g fast 25 102 7 7 6 6J 4 ° i 1 McCthy StWithold FStafford S Phyllis ALICE MACK b f 2 by Knight of Malta Little Em II P J Colahan Weight today D9 74422 Aqueduct 4i f 55J fast 40 M S S 7i 7A I McCthynonnie Kelso Tlietls Ramble RambleDESOLATE DESOLATE b 5 2 by Fatherless Roselia Oneck Stable Weight today 98 74596 Jamaica 5S l01g fast 3 lot J S 8 S 72 Mnsgrave StWithold FStafford S Phyllis 74227 Aqueduct 12 4GH fast 40 94 10 11 11 11JW Walsh Trance Fitz Herbert Erbert 74300 Aqueduct 41 f 50 fast 41 104 0 3 41 5 T Burns Madrileno Guy Fisher Sight SightPRIMROSE PRIMROSE LEAGUE b f 2 by Voter Dorset Flower J R Keeno Weight today 105 7423S Aqueduct 12 47g fast 7 105 4 S 9l II18 Notter R Captive Arionette Mnighlaml MnighlamlG2 74200 Aqueduct 4J f 56 fast G 105 5 5 G2 GIU Notter NotterHOBO Madrileno Guy Fisher Sight Sightley HOBO b c 2 by Herbert Misery II F W Seeley ley Weight today 102 74316 Aqueduct 4J f 562 fast 40 U7 1C 16 16 1C Jensen JensenWAMBORO Chaperon Ramble St Withold WitholdT WAMBORO ch c 2 by Ornament Favorite R T Wilson Jr Weight today 99 994t 7496 Jamaica 5S 1013 fast GO 104 10 6 4 4t 9 Nelligan StWithold FStafford S Phyllis PhyllisG 74545 Jamaica 4J f 5C slow 100 99 G 66 G G G19 Nelligan NelliganTAXIBERMIST Preceptor Occidental J H Reed ReedP TAXIBERMIST ch c 2 by Octagon Toscana J P Purcell Weight today 102 74550 Jamaica 4 f 5GJ slow 100 IOS 10 9 9 923iDelaby Havre Tod Lilypad 74341 Aqueduct 4J f 54g fast GO IOS 10 10 10 102UDelaby 102UDelabyRIGHT Mystify J II Reed Gavin GavinF RIGHT SORT b g 2 by Bel Demonio Jural R F Carman Weight today 93 937s 7277 S Anita 4i f 54 fast 20 97 3 5 78 7 710iG J Burns Force Frieze Royal Stone 73741 S Anita 12 4SJ fast 20 102 3 3 312 35J G Burns Burns73GG1 Hauipass Foreguard HickcyDailey HickcyDaileyGJ 73GG1 S Anita 12 47g fast 7 D7 7 5 GJ 71 7luiGoIdstein iGoIdstein iGoIdstein731CC Horace H Foregnard Ned Jram JramH10ll 731CC S Anita 3S 35g fast 20 104J11 H10ll JMoriarity JMoriarityELMER Bold Palo Alto Steel Steelstable ELMER BOY b c 2 by Fatherless Guara Silk Stable Weight today 97 74G14 Jamaica 5S l01g fast 100 102 2 4 11 11 ll23lDelaby Arionette Havre Force ForceS1 74422 Aqueduct 41 f 55J fast 100 97 10 9 S1 SiUral Bonnie Kelso Thetis Ramble 74316 Aqueduct 4i f 5Gg fast GO 97 14 14 14 14 Ural UralPETE Chaperon Ramble St Withold WitholdOxx PETE b c 2 by Bowling Brook Wantage C Oxx Weight today 102 First start