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LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY TODAYTlie Tlie odds figures in connection with horses at the present Louisville meeting are the calculations made madeby by Daily Racing Form and based on mutual pools They are published in such suchform form for the mere purpose of mechanical uniformity uniformityFIRST FIRST RACE 12 Mile 2ycarolds Selling 21012 173 2 110 110Index Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St A StrFIn Jockeys Best Company CompanyALICE ALICE ch f 2 by Fatherless Eostre J Capo Weight today 105 10574G2S 74G2S Louisville 12 50g hvy 7 107 3 3 2i I1 F Burton Inela Miss Ilapsburg Icaria 74239 FGrounds 5S 1002 fast S 104 2 4 3 3 32 34 F Hurl Hurtun Brougham Transform Irrigator 74201 FGrounds 45 f C5J fast 4 103 10 10 10 10 F Burl Burl741G3 Burton Fundamental Pinion Servicence 741G3 FGrounds 12 50 slow 4J 112 9 S 3J 1 F Burt BurtANDERSON Burton Servicenee Silverton NebraskaLaas ANDERSON b c 2 by Box Paradise Won C Karr Weight today 101 74G53 Louisville 12 503 hvy 910 101 6 4 2l I2 Frankl Frankl745S3 Franklin WBrcad MLawrce LHawthorne 745S3 Lexington 5S 107J hvy 11 109 1 2 22 2 2i 33 Pieken744SS Pieken Direct Tony W Silverite 744SS Lexington 4i f 55J good G 97 3 1 l i IJ Frankl Franklin Camel McNally Bookbinder 74439 Lexington 4i f 582 hvy GJ 105 7 7 43 4 4l V Pow PowSERVICENCE Powers Transform Camel Von Buelow SERVICENCE ch c 2 by Servioe Innocents 1C B Schreiber Weight today 104 74631 Louisville 12 50 hvy 1G5 106 1 1 1 1s 1 IJ Ileidel Fundamental Solicitor Roselmrgll 74201 FGrounds 4J f 55J fast 12 106 3 4 3 3k k 3 32 Liel ert ert741G3 Fundamental Pinion I ady Leota 741G3 FGrounds 12 502 slow 10 115 7 2 I1 2 2n Rosen Alice Silverton Nebraska Lass 74066 FGrounds 12 4SJ fast 16 IOS 1 2 2J 2J Liebert Pinion Injury Alice FUNDAMENTAL br c 2 by Sorcerer Princess Mame W S Williams Weight today 112 74G31 Louisville 12 50 hvy 45 107 2 2 S1 2J Wa Warren Servicenee Solicitor Roseburg II III1 74201 FGrounds 4i f 55i fast 12 IOS 4 1 li I1 Pic Pickens Pinion Servicenee Lady Leota LeotaI1 74144 FGrounds 12 49 fast 25 108 6 1 1 I1 Pic Pickens MatdofCotham K Queen Anderson Anderson013iSkirvin 73910 City Park 3J f 424 good CO 105 10 II2 1013iSki 1013iSkiSILVERITE 013iSkirvin Slnicoe Gavin Transform Transformsythe SILVERITE ch g 2 by Silverdale Minati S Forsythe Forsythe74FS3 sythe Weight today 99 994i 74FS3 Ixjxington 5S 1074 hvy 25 102 S 666 4 4i i F Burton Direct Tony W Anderson Anderson78S 74459 Lexington 12 50 slow S 103 8 3 5i 7 78S S Pic Pickens Romp MajorLawrence Woolwlnder Woolwlnder43J 74414 Lexington 12 51g mud 15 105J G 4 4J 43J Wa Warren Ihela Miss Hapsburg Guardalleen GuardalleenSJsjHuestis 73445 City Park 3J f 42g fast 30 100 13 13 13 13 13J3JHui SJsjHuestis JHuestis The Slicker Ken Queen Edwin L LELYSIUM LGoode ELYSIUM b f 2 by Ben Bramble Paradise J M Goode Weight today 103 103744S4 744S4 Lexington 12 4S4 good GO 103 S 7 72 7 J Howard AnnMcGee CrysMaid WilPluuie WilPluuieICARIA ICARIA b f 2 by Sanders Ave Marie W Lewis Weight today 98 987462S 7462S Louisville 12 50g hvy 25 100 12 7 SJ 4 J Fogarty Alice Inela Miss Hapsbnrg 74462 Lexington 4J f 573 slow 15 103 12 9 9l 911 W Ott A Balrd MHapsburg Guardalleen GuardalleenMISS MISS HAPSBURO ch f 2 by Hapsbnrg Mill Eon H McCarron Jr Weight today 101 10174G2S 74G2S Louisville 12 50g hvy 30 104 4 Z 3l 3U Skirvln Alice Inela Icaria Icaria745S5 745S5 Lexington 5S 1072 hvy 4 105 1 3 5 51 5 SkIrviii LadyHawthorne AllceBaird Babba 74511 Lexington 4J f 5G1 fast 7 100 5 4 G1 9 JSklrvin Cassowary Columbus Serenade 74462 Lexington 4J t 572 slow G 101 2 5 2 25 Sklrvlu Alice Balrd Guardalleen Serenade SerenadeJOHN JOHN RTATVr b K 2 by Counter Tenor Emma Baer J C Cahn Weight today 96 74653 Ixiulsville 12 503 KY 16 106 3 2 4J 5 V Powers Anderson WuBroad MI iwrence 74220 FGrounds 12 494 fast 30 95 5 74163 FGrounds 12 50J slow 40 IOS 6 74092 FGrounds Sit 422 fast 30 105 9 10 10J 10 ° V Powers Disagreement MaleconMoXGotliam SILVER C ch s 2 by Silverdale Salosa S Forsythe Weight today 101 101744SS 744SS McNally720S5 Lexington 41 f out good 20 102A 7 5 7J 7s W Ott Anderson Camel McNally Dispute72S17 720S5 City Park 3S 37R hvy 50 10211 0 = 61 Lloyd Hammock Boy Craftsman Dispute 72S17 City Park 3S 3G slow 15 10715 15 1010 W Ott Injury Craftsman Warden WardenSTOWAWAY STOWAWAY b K 2 by G W Johnson Forsaken W P Heardou Weight today 10G 74512 Lexington 4i 5 3 fast 12 US 0 7 i1 3s Glasncr MDale SpanBanner LadyEthelyn 74220 FGrounds 12 49J fast 12 108 0 5 5s 6JNIcol Autumn Maid Silvcrton Anderson AndersonHAZEL HAZEL MAY br f 2 by Resolute II Southern Belle T M Irvine Weight today 94 74585 Lexington 5S l07g hvy 12 100 7 777 734JFranklIu Ladyllawthorne AliecBaird Babbit 74512 Lexington 41 f 56j fast S 105 10 9 95 SJWarron MDale SpanglcdBanncr Stowaway StowawayHANORA HANORA ch f 2 by Maddison Zoulika J H Baker Weight today 105 1057435S 7435S Lexington 12 SIR hvy 15 104 S 9 7s 7151F Burton Char Hamilton liar Rowe Ocala 74435 FMesngerCHamilton7438f Lexington 12 Gig hvy 1C 103 2 G 7s 1 F Martin MofGotliam FMesngerCHamilton 7438f Lexington 12 492fast 12 110 1 C CJ S8 WIshard Neoga M of Gotham Abby C 73 Jjft City Park 3S 374 good 15 11011 10 10121W Allen Serenade Sister Ollie Alamla AlamlaMIRANDA MIRANDA MILLER chf 2 by Honshell Susio Monmouth H Mongol Weight today 102 10274C23 74C23 Louisville 12 HOI hvy 2 100 14 13 13 13 JM McOee Alice Inela Miss Ilapshurg 7279 City Park CS SCi good 40 110 14 81 SJ Dearborn EllzIIarwood IleleuKIdder Inela InelaMAXIM MAXIM GUN ch c 2 by St Maxim Addie Mills F Cook Weight today 108 108First First start