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THIRD RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 71817 1OSJ 2 19 MAT AMELIA b f 4 by Bannockburn Amelia May C Banford Weight today 103 74421 Oakland F C 1102 fast 135 104 5 456 = 5J liiixtun Lord Nelson Korosilany Bolmero 74372 Oakland 34 114 slow C 95 6 54 f3 3SJ liuxtoii C Shot Fireball L of the Forest 74005 Oakland 78 12GJ fast 3 93 1 1 1 4 4J 4 J Gilbert The Mist Ocean Shore Grace G LORD 1087442L NELSON ch f 5 by St Carlo Good Hope L Stock Weight today 108 7442L Oakland F C 1102 fast 5 109 1 2 1 1J 1 W Miller Korosilany Bclmcrc A B Cook 74372 Oakland 31 114 slow 6 101 5 C 7 7 7 Manders CentreShot Fireball M Amelia 74232 Oakland 34 113J fast 75 111 5 54 3JJ 2 Butwell Yada Luretta Combury NAGAZAM b g 5 by Mazagan La Biche Keeno Bros Weight today 108 74633 Oakland F C 1093 fast 10 116 S 75 3 k 4i T It ice TlISheelmn TawasentUa Talarand 7420S Oakland F C lillj fast 1110 US 0 11 2J 2J J McIntyreCurrlculum Calla Dr Colcman 7410G Oakland 31 1132 fast 1710 111 4 21 1s 1 = W Miller Dlondy Seasick El Cazador SALVAGE b g 6 by Salvator Meriden W W Finn Weight today 108 74633 Oakland F C 1092 fast 16 112 S S 3 5s C l Illicrtou JIISheehan Tnwascntha Talarand 74492 Oakland 34 113 fast 10 114 3 33 S 4 = i Ilhcrton Eluidalc Tawasentha Talarand 74446 Oakland F C 110 fast 12 112 3 22 2 S J Mcliityrc Canardo LUarrisonlL EntreNous EIBARI br c 4 by SanteUo Mercedita Myerm Paddock Weight today 108 74542 Oakland 1 116 l45i fast 1C 103 8 4 C 4 5J 6J T Ulce Voxloptili Daruma DollieDollars 7439C Oakland 1 l41g slow 7 102 6 4 4 3 Si GCJ T nice Ocean Shore Orilene Toupee 74299 Oakland 1 116 146J fast 6 108 4 1 1 1 1 1 T Rice T Ahearn Bye Bye II Nadzu MARWOOD b h S by Rey del Sierras Louise M Marchmont Stable Weight today 111 74372 Oakland 34 114 slow 2T 93 S 42 2J G5JA Walsh CentreShot Fireball M Amelia 74311 Oakland 58 101 fast 20 124 5 33 34 1J Rettlg Kenilworth Luretta Sid Sliver 73751 Oakland 3r4 114 fast 40 118 9 10 10 10 10 Sandy Gypsy King Hllgert Galvanic MAY PINK ch f 4 by Rapallo May Pinkerton L E Fine Weight today 103 74539 Oakland 34 l13g fast 75 101 5 10 10 10 1015iT Hayes Nellie Uacinc Pal Fair Fagot 73077 Oakland F C l14g hvy 30 102 3 23 3nt S J Hherton Tawasentha Emma G Balreed 72597 Oakland 34 1174 hvy 25 98 8 5 C 9 9J Pohanka Excitement Boflroquois Paladinl CONFESSOR ch h 6 by Father Confessor Koffea W Walker Weight today HI 73113 Oakland 31 1202 hvy 75 107 Left at the post A Harris Watchful Tancrcd Integrity 73061 Oakland 34 119 livy 4 112 4 4 3 3J 33 A Harris Galvestonian St Orloff Tancred 72SG9 Oakland ImlOOy 154J slop 9 101 5 S 7 C 7i 8 Lycurgus Silver Sue Maxtrcss Tetanus MILPITAS b c 4 by Installator Anna Maycs Sobre Vista Stable Weight today 108 74611 Oakland 5S 592 fast 200 103 4 44 4 4 Kent Pajarolta Native Son Gcminell 74567 Oakland 51 f l06g fast 100 107 G 55 910 910 Kent NativeSon SilverStocking DonDomo 74519 Oakland 34 112J fast 200 104 4 238 SMJKcut Centre Shot Prejulcio Don Domo COMO br g 4 by Bedeck Calora W M Marks Weight today 105 74299 Oakland 1 11G IMfiJ fast 21 105 3233 4 = Gi J MclntyreSibari T Ahearn lye Bye II 742S7 Oakland 31 113J fast 15 10S 7 G 6 5J 5 A Walsh LoftbeForcst NatSon Clondlischt 74230 Oakland 1 116 146J fast 20 102 5 4 3 2 2 k G 1 MclutyreDownpatrick Hilgcrt Vox Populi BRIAN BORII ch g 5 by Riley Swiftwater D Kennedy Weight today 108 74493 Oakland 5S 59J fast CO 90 G GO 6 G K Clark Native Son Cloudltght Cruzados 73935 Oakland 31 113 fast 40 90 3 435 = 54i Ituxton Gypsy King Cloudlight B Bush 72670 Oakland 51 f 1OS slow 300 107 4 33 GSJ G18 A Wright Ovelando Bill Mayham Bryan SEA LAD b h 5 by Figaro Sea Bass W M Caine Weight today 103 74445 Oakland lin0y 144 fast 100 99 11 11 11 9 10 10 JSweet Legatee Vinton Edunrdo 74260 Oakland Im70y l4i fast 40 110 1 1 1 4 S S McCluiu Peligroso TAhenrn Johnstown 74210 Oakland Im20y llli fast 200 94 2 1 G G G3 G Sweet Dollie Dollars Daruma Gargantua