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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Saturday May 9 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST OAKLAND ENTRIES ENTRIESRacing Racing starts at 140 p m Chicago time 340 X Runs well in mud Superior mud runner First Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Track record 71S17 1OSJ 2 Ind Horses live A Wt Hdcp Hdcp7mri1 7mri1 BURLEIOII llls 71207 0 744402 Lee Harrison II 1101 4111 X745 X745irS2 irS2 Preen G110 X740 74 ° John II Slieehan 1005 4 111 X740 1101 Itince Frederick 51irX740 4 f5 Lord of the Forest 110J nlin X7J55 X7J554C7C2 4C7C2 Triumphant 110 4111X735 4G313 Koroslluny 1108 4 105 X70 C107X721CS070 7453 Entre Nous 1101 C107X721 CS070 Plmkim 111 410SX720 410SX7200il 0il Pickaway 111 S105X710 S105X71075r 75r 5 Belasco D100X700 D100X700Second Second Race 12 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Track record 74100 17 2 113 1134o902 4o902 Captain John 4S 10S 723 74412 Mauretanla 105 720 74003 Blameless 108 713 74GO3 71374GO3 Del Cruzador 48i 10S 713 713740L1 740L1 RIghteasy 105 713 74140 King Ferdinand 4Si 10S 710 74077 Ace of Diamonds 43s 103 710 7107540S 7540S Miss Worth 100 700 4145 Vesper Hymn 100 700 700Banetta Banetta b f by Ed ¬ die Jones Miss Ban 100 Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record GOOOC 143 5 100 7274J7 1CP7 Baron Ksher 140J G 100 72 74J7 Stamlover 5 100 X720 74 3 Nellie Racine 14G 4 103 X713 74510 Markie Mayer 143 5 105 X715 74 4101X71074G103 7 Silver Line l44s 4101X710 74G103 Ten Oaks 1442 G107 705 747022 OOX70374OS Ixird Flligrane OOX703 74OS Andrew Mack l47s 7110X700 Ind Horses Rec A WtHdcp 4 5 Lucky Lad 4 10i700 10i700Lydia Lydia J b f by Morellilo Miss MissRemsen Remsen 4 101 Fourth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 01580 143 4594 Lisaro 510GX750 510GX75074C113 74C113 Gemmell 4110X743 4110X74374GS13 74GS13 Cadichon l40s 5100X745 5100X74574C703 74C703 Critic 5 100 745 74574GS1 74GS1 Ocean Shore 140 4 H7X745 74 5 2 Cabin 1IJ G 10JIX740 10JIX74074V23Marster 74V23Marster 1435 510 X740 X74074G7 74G7 Fantastic l4Gs 4 1I5X740 1I5X74074G 74G ° G A Muskoday 14GJ illO7 74 Edwin T Fryer 4 x755 x75574GTGS 74GTGS J C Clem l45i 3 94 X 735 74502 Janeta 148 G 5X70 5X70Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record C003G 143 5 10G 10G74G10 74G10 Tommy Ahearn 143 3 09 725 72574G1I5 74G1I5 Colonel Jewell 5 102 720 720G7031 G7031 Vigoroso S107X715 S107X715742SG 742SG Midmont 1301 5107X713 5107X71374G123 74G123 Captain Bush 107X715 74077 Geutle Harry 107X710 107X710743GS 743GS Miss May Bowdlsh l45i 100X710 100X710712SG 712SG John II l30s 107 705 70574GSO 74GSO Vronsky 9705 970574G12 74G12 Distributor 14G 107X700 74341 Golden Wine C105 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs t yearolds and upward Handicap Track record 7200 1055 6 112 11274G3S 74G3S Burning Bush lOSi 4 95X750 745143 Booger Red 100 391X743 391X74374G112 74G112 Native Son 106 4102X745 74273 Veil 1005 4 05 745 4105X74074G3S 7390 Judge Nelson 1OS 4105X740 74G3S Collector Jessup 1074 J4X740 J4X740The The figures under Rec in above entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance Since January 1 190G