Louisville Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, May 28., Daily Racing Form, 1908-05-28


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Louisville Entries and Past Performances for Thursday May 28 WEATHEE CLEAR TRACK FAST Handicapped for a fast track LOUISVILLE ENTRIES For differences in weight add or deduct 5 points to the pound An extra good riders average worth is 3 pounds Racing starts at 230 p m mXRuns XRuns well in mud BSupcrior mud runner runnerFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs 2ycarolds Maidens Special Weights WeightsColts Colts and Geldings GeldingsTrack Track record 71832 5i 2 95 95Intl Intl Horses Rce A Wt Hdcp Hdcp7S012 7S012 Dr Fizz 110 725 74 S5 Semproni HO 720 72074SM51 74SM51 Old Hickory 107 X720 X72074WO 74WO Michael Angelo 110 710 71074S4K 74S4K Tuscan Gold 107 710 7118 Wine Man 110 COO COO71SS2 71SS2 Prince Alert 110 OSO OSO74I1S 74I1S Lord Direct 110 G r 74700 Hambay HO G GIngoda Ingoda b f by In Ingobjsby gobjsby Hifalutiu 110 Uockeastle b c by Dick Welles Hettle HettleGreen Green HO Elgin br c by Pirate of Peuzauee Belle Belleof of Elgin 110 Warfiold ch c by Nasturtium De lection HO Honest Bob br c by Frankfort Jaiie JaiieParks Parks HO Top Sergeant ch c by Treutola Ethel EthelCollins Collins HO Charlie Bowers br g by Laurium Fre Fregciice gciice 107 Second Race 34 Mile Milenyearolds nyearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 7475S 112J a 2 27iniO 7iniO John Louis 115J o 7 77JllJ 7JllJ Demo lij 1 KM 720 7207i 7i Fay 11 J 4102X713 74527 Miss Cesarion 114 4102X710 4102X7107I1USJ 7I1USJ Dona II 15 fKX710 71 H Durable 110 4 17 70r 4S r Ben Sand 117J 5X705 1 10 Barrette 3 H 705 74815 Reaction l14J G10GX700 G10GX70071S2 71S2 Max ton 3 S7 OD5 OD574S1S 74S1S Lorimcr 3 JV5X6T0 JV5X6T0GSI5G7 GSI5G7 Yellow Toi 4 07 G50 G50717C 717C Melwood 3 02 GOO 74015 Manuscript 3 00 GOO GOOGeorge George K Dehler b c by Henry Young Mary Clemcrson 3 92 Third Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Allowancesj j Track record GSSO1 1234 5 109 109Intl Intl Horses Rec A Wl Hdcp 740205 APACI1B 127 107X725 71921 Kstella C 105 715 71011 Palamon 102X7Ji 741S I tus Brandt 129 101 70O 71410 Vanen 07XIVSO 74818 Dunvegan OOXti5 OOXti574SK5S 74SK5S May Jene D7G75 D7G7571S17 71S17 Queens Daughter 97GjO 97GjOFourth Fourth Race 34 Milo Milo3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 71708 1121 3 02 027llt0 7llt0 Topsy Robinson llt iT 101 X725 X7257IOIW 7IOIW Petulant 1 M 741HW Hollow 115 3 05 710 71071tS7 71tS7 Marmorean 111 IT710 IT71071SGS 71SGS K T Shlpp 113 3 S10X705 S10X7057I1IS7 7I1IS7 Ida May 11 ti 3 85X705 85X7057in 7in r Meada 1M 5 1OJ X7O5 71010 Snake Mary 115 300X7W 300X7W7IR7 7IR7 Baroda 3 3 C05 C0571IS7 71IS7 Bitter Miss 1MJ 4 105X 5 7402 L Cygnet lllit 8113XI5S 8113XI5S74SS3 74SS3 Llgnando l17s 3NHXG75 3NHXG757I02LI 7I02LI Mondella 114 3 noxr7 noxr774S47 74S47 Iidy Thorpe 3102G25 3102G25Western Western Knight b g by Free Knight Martha D 3 00 Fifth Race 58 Mile Mile2ycarolds 2ycarolds Allowances Track record GD012 100 1 100 1007liKil3 7liKil3 Sainward W 725 7257lM54 7lM54 Mad Rose 8 20 74774 Fair Messenger 9I3X 7lK5l P7J55S Illwlll P 7J55S Dusky Dame nr S 74 IS Silver C 05XG75 05XG7574W8U 74W8U Uoseburg II 104XG70 74001 Sister Jennie 05 ib Sixth Race 1 18 Miles Miles4ycarolds 4ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 00011 153 3 101 101710G5 710G5 St Valentine lKW 7111X725 74005 Tivolini 1M 410IX715 Imbodcn 151 7103X715 7103X7151J1C51 1J1C51 Cliarlalan 155 51tli 710 71074Ki 74Ki = Camille l5 s 4 102 710 710747G1 747G1 Louise Macfarlaii 1534 G KK5 710 71023 Blaze oLlght 4102X705 74023 Sylvan Belle Io3fi G101X705 G101X70574SOO 74SOO Anna Day 5KM5X700 5KM5X700740C3 740C3 Javanese 4102XOSO 4102XOSOThe The figures under Rcc in above entries show showthe the best time mado by the horse at the distance distancesince since January 1 1 00 Tlds lime Is not necessarily necessarilymade made by a winner It may be the estimated time of a losing performance

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908052801/drf1908052801_4_8
Local Identifier: drf1908052801_4_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800