Oakland Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1908-05-28


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OAKLAND ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast Racing starts nt 1MO p in Chicago time 1MO Xltuiis well in mud ffiSnperior mud runner First Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than I51 mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Track record 71S17 1OSJ 2 9 Ind Horses Rec A Wt Ildcp Ildcp7l 7l 74073 73 Aftermath 4 4101 101 725 72574ST1 74ST1 Prolific 4 104 720 710117 Paddy Lynch 111 J 0107 715 418 107Xin Sir Russell T107X 107X 4441 in Redwood II 1107X 1107X7IOJ2 107 X 7IOJ2 Silver Sue 1111 o i 105 X710 70 70584 4102X7107411S S4 Bromina 4102X710 7 7411S ° 1S Water Thrush 1121 T105 101 703 71054 WoblKjr 112 1104X705 71111 Mischief lllj 13 107 700 74411 Pocnbonto 4 104 700 70071SSS 70074SSS 71SSS Nattie Bnnippo C 102X700 102X700Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Maidens Allowances Track record 72080 5SH o IOS 10073 Bubbling Water 105 X725 1174 s Decorate 305 4515 Assay 105 481 Trocha 305 710 7 1ST Mabel Fountain 105 715 4745 Tanhia 105 4174 Zella G 105 744 t Daisy Thorpe 112 11274Mt 74Mt Miss Danville 112 700 7 IS My Nurse 105 700 7407 Miss Worth 105 700 74107 Cavallena 105 700 700Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds SellingTrack 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 7170 125J 1 10 74950 S102X72574ll MARTINMAS 120 S102X725 74ll Lurctta 1211 G100X720 G100X72074872s 74872s Karl Rogers 1 2C1 105 X715 7417 Yada 128 G110X 74721 G115X74S Jamin 127 G115X 74S 3 May Amelia l2Gg 4 109 x10 74872 Timothy Wen l25g 4 10SX70 74407 DGX70574H08 Bardonla ljj DGX705 74H08 Fair Fagot 4110 X700 741101 Cobloskill 1275 4 10 700 74927 Entnidn 18 700 74112 Queen Alamo iilOXCUO Fourth Race 78 Mile yearolds ind upward Handicap Track record 71750 1251 t 10D 75021 Knknmo I 8SX750 71747 Critic 124 r102 715 74 0 Oinjiicll 1251 4114X745 727 i ggs 5 715 71512CJ 75000 Johnny Lyons 12CJ 4 102 X 740 7 1 7 Neva Lee Lee7J7 15 Q740 7J7 ISyo Pye II l2Gi 4 92X7II 75000 Jessup71S1S Collector Jessup 7 orX755 71S1S Alassa l20g G 102 X 750 Fifth Race 1 Mile Mileyearolds yearolds Selling SellingTrack Track itcord 3101 18 1 05 0574020s 74020s Boas 1421 105X725 74111 lie Thankful 141 105X720 7172 rernardo 10SX715 10SX71574i2 74i2 74i2i i innheiir 105x715 105x715741i 741i Saint Modan 140J 108 715 75025 Ilifrh Gun 140J 105 710 74010 Friar of Klgin liJ 105 710 71074SD2 74SD2 Sir Wesley 142 105 705 74052 Aleibiades 1421 105 705 75022 Patriotic 142 105 700 74111 = Arthur Ilyman 141 J KK5X700 74011 Mrs OFarroll 142J 10 090 090Sixth Sixth Race Futurity Course 170 feet less than 51 mile mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 71817 1OSJ 2 74018s Bologna 111 0 105 X725 74SSS Sir Brillar 1011 0 115 X720 74108 Sibari 4 107 715 740 EliznhPth F 11 T 105 X715 74874 Columbia Girl 1151 7 105 X715 74107 J W ONeill 110J 7 112 X710 7I1D02 Governor Orman 5 107 X710 74070 Mabel Hollander 113J 4 102 X710 74888 Nellie Racine 4 107 X705 74208 Mechlin 100 4 102 705 74204 Sam Barber 1114 4 100 X700 78I2 Louise Fitzgihhnn 1121 4 102 X700 I Tho figures under Uec in ahove entries show the best time made by the horse at the distance hince January 1 111115 This time is not necessarily made by a winner It may be the estimated time of a losing performance

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1908052801/drf1908052801_6_6
Local Identifier: drf1908052801_6_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800