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KECALLS WASHINGTON PARK POLICEMEN FLOOD GRAVESEND TRACK AND ARREST BOOKMAKERS AMID CONFUSION Hotting Is Carried on Under Difficulties and Strictly Strictlyin in Private Jockey Club Will Test i the New Law New York Tune 12 Governor Hughes victory for law and order us lie has been pleased to call tile passage of tile AgnewHart liills brought about more disorder at Gravesend this afternoon than has lioen seen on a New York race track In many years Policemen with Instructions from headquarters ar ¬ rested ninny who attempted to make book in a quiet way and in some cases were not in the least par ¬ ticular about the guilt or Innocence of those taken Orlando Tones one of those taken was said to have been arrested for the purpose of testing the con ¬ stitutionality of the law In the meantime little or no booking can lie done While handbooks and poolrooms flourish prosper ¬ ously in Manhattan the police led by deputy com ¬ missioners linker and Hanson Borough Inspector Klood Inspector OBrien and Captain Kelly harried I ho bookmakers who were carrying OH betting on the English credit system haling to the Coney Island station during the lirst two races the follow ¬ ing men Kichard Veldou Koy lienninger U K llayman and George Carhnrt nil of Ironklyn An ¬ other man whose name ould not be learned was Jiirested at the t anie time with Tones He was said to be an outsider for another bookmaker Maimle Manheimer Louis Levy known as Jill j ins and another man Ixjth working in tho field were rrcstod just before the sixth race The raceThe betting ring was Hooded with policemen and Inspector OBricn was in charge aided by Captain Kelly of the Coney Island precinct Despite the nrrest of Woldon it was evident that the book ¬ makers were accepting wagers They walked about in the big ring the regular racing programs In liand with the odds written on the small blank spaces at the left lint the layers were careful Wagers were made almost in whispers and then only with persons the Ixtokies knew to be In be safe Strangers had no show in the world lo make a bet The bookmakers at lirst were afraid lo speak to a person they did not know by his first name but later some of them grew bolder Their timidity was increased however by tho second arrest which occurred in the Hold betllng ring Inspector Olricn kept walking about the betting ring and before the fourth race said that so far lie had bookmakersYes seen no money passed by bookmakers Yes Ive noticed the bookmakers standing alxnit with the odds written opposite the names of horses un the ollicial program said the inspector But that is not a violation of tho law 1 hold that the iredit system of betting is a violation and I have ordered my men to make arrests in all eases if a bookmakers conversation indicates that he is ac ¬ cepting wagers Im certain I can secure convic ¬ tion in such eases easesThe The ollicials of the Jockey Club were in conference today to try and formulate some plans for the iontinnancc of racing without the scenes of disorder that prevailed today As yet no definite line of action has been announced Imt it is known that there will be a long light on the constitutionality of lie new law lawIt It was just as well for somo of tho layers that Governor Hughes forced them to take tho day off for all six of the public choices were lirst home Only homeOnly ono take race was on tho card today the Hanover a dasli of live and a half furlongs undrr selling conditions It proved easy spoil for the useful Armiak which took the lead when called on md won with space to spare from Intervene and 1aradlse QueenThe Queen The history of the Hanover Stakes since 1900 is given in the table below 1900 jIHH lake 107 Mailer 2240 1V6Y j IHH Francesco 103 Shaw 2215 101 1011U02 1U02 Plater 102 Michaels 2Jio 1 01 lUU3Luininoslty 01lUU3Luininoslty 102 Lindsay 2375 10 101U04 1U04 field Ten 99 Hildebrand 2005 10 J 10811HXS 1905 Guiding Star 112 ONeill 19 i5 108 11HXS Clare Uussell 94Horner 21SO 108 HK7 108HK7 Gene Uussell S9fK Dngan 2175 l0 l0s s 1908 Armiak lOSiNottor 2550 107J Distance increased to 5 12 furlongs furlongsMr Mr Andrew Miller announced this afternoon that the sale of his horses belonging to the Newcastle Stable which was to have taken place tomorrow has been indefinitely postponed It was also learned that all tho yearlings from the Kentucky farm of T 15 Haggin which were to have been shipped here for sale during the Sheepshcad Kay meeting will probably be shipped to England Instead