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SEVENTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 4yearolds and upward Selling September 10 1897 1OCJ 2 SL 9775S72 CHIEF HAYES ch e 5 by Baljrowan or Sain Grand llady T D Sullivan Weight today 97 75S72 AVindsor 34 113 fast 20 94 G 5 5 4J 2n Brannon St Jeanne Johnnie Blake Giles 75774 AVindsor 1 139 good 4 99 G 7 2 2 2l 3 = 5 Braunon Miss Marjorie Estelia C Usury 75728 AVindsor 7S l27g fast GO 104 3 7 G G Cc C4J Brannon Clell Turney P Row M Delaney ANNA SMITH blk m B by Longford or Pontiac Carmine Nugent Bros Weight today 9G 75734 AVindsor 31114 fast 2 104 1 111 = 1J Francis TofSpades Ben Stille Left Guard 75510 Hamilton 34 113 fast 7 103 2 2 2 2i 2 = Qringtou Purslane EI Dorado GraceKlmball 75437 Hamilton 51 I 107 fast 145 104 2 2 3 2 3 = 1 Dnbel Hawkama Night Mist Ben Stllle BERTHA E b m 6 by G W Johnson Happy J Phillips AVeight today 95 7r8S7 AVindsor 31 1131 fast 20 98 2 3 3 3l 3J Francis Please Jane Swift Ida D 73S2S AVindsor 34 l12g fast 12 95 1 G G 4J 4a Francis Redoudo Minot Edgely 75C54 Edgely75C54 AVindsor 78127 fast 12 105 2 4 G G C3 G8 Fbrother Creel Redondo St Jeanne ALENCON ch g 6 by St Carlo Gold Lace Fairport Stable WeighJ today 95 75S01 9575S01 AVindsor 24 1J5J slop 5 lit 1 G 4 2 = 2J Nicol Ida I Waterbury The Belle 73G31 Belle73G31 AVindsor 78 127 fast 20 102 023 2 41 7l = Hatchett Creel Redondo St Jeanne 73453 Hamilton 31 113 fast G 99 3 4 5 5X 78J Fbrother Night Mist St Jeanne Royal Onyr TEMMERAIRE b g 4 by Ballyhoo Bey Miss Hamburg J Dyment Weight today 95 75804 AVindsor 34 115 fast 4J 101 2 33 41 C Francis Ida D Alencon Waterbury 75CSO Waterbury75CSO AVindsor 34 l17g slop 85 110 3 22 3t 3 = J Deverich MissDofcmey Tenakoe PHohenlohe 75IS5 PHohenlohe75IS5 Hamilton 31 114 fast 21 104 4 222 = I3 Deverich ColFaverdale IdaReck LeftGuard BELMERE b g 5 by Ogden Nahma C Bowman Weight today 107 75799 AVindsor 34 1132 fast G IOC G G 4 2t V O II ShilgGrace Kimbali Splon Gibsou 75510 Hamilton 34 115J good 5 123 12 It 9 71 0 5 Harty Pnnky Left Guard Showman Showman754SG 754SG Hamilton 78 1293 fast G 130 5 S S 7 7J C = J Heapliy Green Dale RoyalLegend Kid Roos MINOT b g 4 by Lamplighter Marchma AV Gerst Weight today 105 7JS73 1057JS73 AVindsor 3 l 113 fast G 110 G G G G = G J J JAiley Waterbury Edgely Tenakoe 73828 AVindsor1 31 1123 fast G 96 7 44 3 = 2 J Bergen Ridondo Edguly Bertha E 75729 AVindsor 31 114J fast G 103 1 33 3 = I1 J Foley Herman Johnson Adrian Splpn MOMENTUM br g 4 by Sorcerer Balance H F E Brown Weight today 102 75873 Windsor 34 113 fast C 107 1 4 4 4i 4 W Ott AVaterhurr Edgely Tenakoe 75798 AVindsor GJ f 1062 fast 20 97 G 43 2 = Deverich LawPDaley BillieHibbs Blue Leo 75534 AVindsor 7S 127 fast S 105 10 10 10 10 10s 9uJDelaby Creel Redondo St Jeanne MINDORA br h 8 by Sain Park Ridge B Schrciber Weight today 103 C9 103C9 173 Ascot Pk S C 301i fast 4 133 1 G 5 G G 5 Sinclair Adams Miias Decimo 50102 Ascot Pk S C 3032 fast 9 123 5 5 3 3 3 3 = J Sullivan Maryluudur Cazador Decimo CORA PRICE cb X 4 by First Mate Embrace F B Strough Weight today 9G 75525 Hamilton 34 1102 good 30 114 1 13 12 12 ll ° iShea ComlcOpera TreyofSpades Capstan 73185 Hamilton 24 114 fast 30 107 10 7 7 71 7 ° J R McFiiTemmeraire GolFaverdale IReck 75087 Toronto 34 115J slow CO 100 11 12 12 12 12JU Powell ROnyx Temmeraire Black Burn ST CLAIR ch o 4 by St George Lucy Johnson A AV Bryan f Weight today 100 73307 Montreal 118155 fast SG 112 2 3 4 4 3 GJ Moreland King Cole Lyndhurst Cursus Dlsobedlentv737S 7ririB Montreal 1 l40g fast 40 112 2 1 1 2 23 2 = Moreland Debar Lally Dlsobedlentv 737S Montreal 7S 1203 fast GO 115 G G G G G GiJ W Mhyllareourt Youthful BilHe Hlbbs COCK SURE ch g 5 by Himyar Vain Glory T Burttschell Weight today 103 103751S5 751S5 Toronto 1 11G l4Sg fast 9G 98 7 5 4 G CJ G5 T AV Mhy Sir Galahad Campaigner Doubt 75135 Toronto Ini70y 147J fast 10 110 2 4 G 7 S3 7 = J W Mhy Servile Bathuiaria Str llarlo 74947 Toronto ImTOy 147 fust 0 105 7 3 4 3 Z 3l J W MhyLady Isabel Goldway Picaroon