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NEW CANADIAN TRACK AT OTTAAVA Steps Being Taken to Organize a Strong Jockey Club for Capital City Toronto Out Augnst C It is now an assured fact thqt a new jockey club will be formed at Ot ¬ tawa Out and a meeting for the perfecting of arrangements will be held at the Grand Tniou Hotel in this city during this week A charter already has been secured The new organization will be promoted by wellknown Canadians and it will have a capital of 150000 divided into shares of 100 each eachPlans Plans will be perfected immediately after the meeting of organization as it is proposed to bold the first race meeting early next summer summerThe The ground on which options have been secured is accessible to Ottawa although on the Quebec side of the river being in the province of Quebec It is the intention to establish a firstclass plant with a mile track and everything in an nptodate manner mannerThe The charter members of the new venture are Hon Sldnev Fisher E P Skead Hon Bellcourt Andrew Shearer J 1C Paisley and Hon Clifford Sifton It has been decided to open a membership list copying after the plan of the Ontario Jockey Club of this city at 25 a year This alone should pay the purses pursesOttawa Ottawa is only about 100 miles from Montreal and a meeting there would help break the long jump now compulsory to horsemen after the Blue Boiv nets meeting There is little doubt of tbe success of the venture for Ottawa has always shown a dis ¬ position to patronize sport of all kinds