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SEATTLE FORM CHART Seattle Wash August 0 Fortyfirst day of the King County Fair Associations summer meeting of seventythree diys Weather clear track fast fastPresiding Presiding Judge 13 C Hopper Starter Rich ¬ ard Dwyer Racing Secretary Martin Nathanson Twenty four books on 76397 First Race 34 Mile Track record 76302 1115 7 99 3ycarolds and upward Sell SellInd Ind Horse AVtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl 7i25S3 Bravo ure 91 i 1 = Russell G 2 27K560 7K560 Bernardo 102 1 1 = 2J AV Kelly I 10 76144 John C GrauslW S 71 3J Page 15 16 76341 Nuns Veiling 107 2 21 4h Rettig 10 15 7C311 Rose Cherry 107 3 4J f h Cole fO 100 1007KJ7S 7KJ7S E C Runte 103 5 5 fi1 Slesinger 40 50 7C3I1 Agnolo 101 G1 7 Cotton 60 100 1007G3603Maud 7G3603Maud McG 107 fi S S K Lynch i 10 4J7C35i 76300 Sovorton 100 7 U 9 J Hayes Z 4J 7C35i = Bful and Uestm 10 10 Itt D Boland f G 763113Oid Settler 9 11 11 11 Forehand S 12 74SIB Bonnie Bairn 101 12 12 12 Lycurgus 10 12 12Bravoure Bravoure place 1 show 12 Rernardo place 4 show 2 John C Graus place 7 show 3i Time 11315 11315Winner Winner Kecne Bros b f 3 by Gerolstein Priestess PriestessWent Went to post at 215 At post 7 minutes Start good AVon easily second and third driving Bravoure much the best easily galloped past the leaders in the final fuarter Bernardo opened a big early gap but tired badly John C Graus fin ¬ ished with a rush rushOverweights Overweights Bernardo 3 pounds 76398 Second Race 34 Mile Track record 763G2 llljj 7 99 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Horse AVtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl 763462Confessor 112 9 3l I1 B AVilson 2 1S5 76tS4IAdelbertBello 107 G 1 2i C Koerner 2 95 761142Kokomo 109 4 2 S J Hayes 6 10 76160 Work andPlay09 5 42 41 A AValsh 8 12 763593Complaint 99 3 6 51 Lycurgus 10 12 76230 Belle Griffon 99 7 5 6J Page 3J 41 417627S 417627S 7627S LadysBeauty 102 177 Russell 50 60 76341 = A1 Lindley 109 2 8 8 Rettig 10 15 73762 Dredger 104 S 9 9 W Kelly 13 20 20Confessor Confessor place 05 show 35 Adelbert Belle place 710 show 25 Kokomo place 4 show 2 Time 113 113Winner Winner O Tureks ch h C by Father Confessor Koffec KoffecWent Went to post at 249 At post 4 minutes Start good Won driving second and third the same Confessor off poorly saved ground all the way and secured a lucky opening next to the rail in the last sixteenth Adelbert Belie set a fast pace but tired at the end Kokorao was uever far from the front Work and Play Interfered vlth ou tho turn made madeScratched Scratched 76010 Prestige 112 70300 Pepper and ijalt 107 70304 Bannatyne 101 76399 Third Race 31 Mile Track record 76J02 1115 7 09 2yearolds Selling lud Horse AVtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl ClGUl GUl Stecl 103 1 I2 1 C Koerner 2 lli 762542Fair Annie 99 3 2J 2 Page 2 133 76314 Pert 102 2 3J 3nt A Harris 2 11u 11u7G326AksArBen 7G326AksArBen 105 444 Lycurgus 5 215 215Steel Steel place 45 show 15 Fair Annie plaw t4 show 15 Pert place 45 show 15 Aks ArIlen iilacf 1110 show 14 Time liJA liJAWinner Winner S 0 Ilildivths b e by Mimic Star StarWeut Weut to post at 323 At post 1 minute Start good Won driving second and thirl the same Steel sliowed the most speed and opened i gap early but tired and barely wou lair Annie lin ished with a cyclonic rush and would have won in another stride Pert was repeatedly cut off Aks ArBeo tired iu the stretch 76400 Fourth Race 1 Miio and 70 Yards Track record 75059 113 5 107 3yearoids and up ¬ ward Selling SellingInd Ind Horse AVtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl 7597 Kormit 109 2 1 I1 J Hayes lj 30 76316 Rubinon 109 2l 2 Lycurgtis 8 12 76327 Jack Witt 109 7 4 C Koerner 3 76360 Joe Harlan 107 4 i 4s Rettig 100 100 iKVZ Our Sallle 107 8 5 5s 1 McBridc 40 50 76364 Lucrcce 10S 5G G Alarie 20 2f 76321Lady Kilty 105 377 Page G 8 7637S Forest Rose 91 1 S S Russell 10 9 76361 Calmar 107 a U 9 AV ICelly 20 30 Kermlt place 10 show 4 Kubiuou place 3 3siiow siiow 32 Jack Witt place 14 show out 141Winner Time 141 Winner M J Hayes br g 9 by Piccolo M r rella by Grinstcad GrinstcadWent Went to post at 346 At post 1 minute Start good Won handily second and third driving Kermit made every post a winning one Kubiuou ran in forward contention throughout lark Witt knockeiV back to last place on the first turn made UP ground slowly and finished gamely Scratched gamelyScratched 75ji07 Bellmence J07 Overweights Lucrcce 1 pound 76401 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Track record August 11 1900 1411 1 100 3 ytar olds and upward Selling SellingInd Ind Cl763I33Convent Horse WtStStrFin in Jockoy On Cl 763I33Convent Bell 91 3 I1 I1 Russell fi fijGj j 6 j 76303 MIdmont 103 2 2J 23 Lycurgus 40 2i 76327 My Bouquet 101 7 4 = 35 A AValsh S 10 7G343Nonie IOC 4 31 4a E Lynch 4 G 76343 = Jack Adams 10G G 7 5s D Boland 10 12 76L06Stoney Lee 101 556 Pago 2 2i 76364 Eckersall 107 1 C 7 Rettis 13 3u 3uConvent Convent Bell place 35 show 15 MIdmont place S show 2 My Bouquet place 3 show G5 Stoney Lee place 45 show 25 Time 1415 Winner 1415Winner AV M Caines b f 4 by St Avonlcus Sister Modred ModredWent Went to post at 413 At post 1 minute Start good Won cantering second and third driving Convent Bell ran away from the others at the will of her rider Midraont was always the closest con ¬ tender My Bouquet ontgamed Nonie In the closing Strides Stoney Lee bled bledOverweights Overweights Nonie 5 pounds Jack Adams 3 Kckersall 1 76402 Sixth Race 5S Mile Track record An gust 1 1000 59 3 97 4yearolds and up ¬ ward Allowances AllowancesInd Ind Horse WtStStrFin Jockey Op Cl Cl763SO 763SO Burning Bush 119 4 3s 1 AV Kelly G j 15 5 76341 Lady King 97 t 2J 2l VUKO 15 Li 74193 Fireball 119 5 1 3i A AVilliamsl 1 7634 1 Miss Provo 99 2 4 4 Jarrott 20 76110 Anna Kurciiina9S S 5l 5 MqEweu 40 o G9241 Queencup Skelton 7G07 Marie Kslier 97 7 7 7 AVhKeside IM 100 76122 Motleys First 99 3 Bled A Morgan 10 9 76122 Diamond 101 Left J TklcBride 20 2j Burning 2jBurning Bush place 45 show 25 Lady King place 4 show 85 13Time Fireball place 33 show 13 Time 101 J Winner JWinner Maple Stables b g 4 by Lord Dalmeny iMinyon iMinyonWent Went to post at 444 At post 21 minutes Start good for all but Diamond Won driving ocond and third the saint Burning Hush outrun earlv linUliol fast Lady Kingtook the lead in the stretch and only lost in tho last stride Fireball set the paiv and tired as if short Diamond threw bis rider while at tho post and the others wece sent away without him himI I Overweights Miss 1rovo 2 pounds Anna Kar Leuiua 1 Queencup Diamond 3