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FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 77027 l15i 3 108 108ROBIN ROBIN HOOD b e 7 by Kingston Belle of Maywood J P Mayberry Weight today 113 1137704S 7704S Jamestown 34 1104 fast 3 110 0 t 6 4l 23 Troxler Willie B of the BayGrews nio 76752 Empire 34 115S fair 8 110 5 4 4 2 4s E Dugan Dainty Dame Goldproof Al Midler 76713 Empire 31 l15g slop 8 111 1 444 4 = 1 J Butler Goldproof Sir Toddington Biskra 76639 Empire 31 113 fast 10 120 3 44 3 55 J Lee Heknows Boema Goldproof 76604 Empire 34 113 fast 6 111 3 8 8 8 851 R McDanIDon Enrique Biskra Goldproof BIGOT ch g 3 by George Kessler Bigotry J M Minugh Weight today 107 1077CC03 7CC03 Empire 1 116 1472 fast 107 256 5 7l 7MD McCthyRobert Cooper Monocle Cymbal 7C5G5 Empire 1 141 fast 40 10 S 7 S 9 91S D McCtliyGowait Cymbal Boema 75472 Gvesend 1 18 l55f fast 15 105 222 2 31 9 E Dugan Wild Refrain Montauk Golconda 75146 Gvesend 1 11C 149 fast 10 109 7 3 3 3 3J 43i Shreve YorkvilleBeau Fapolnator Montauk SUDDEN START ch pr 3 by Star Shoot Chicora II H B Duryea Weight today 102 71540 Jamaica 34 1142 fast 7 107 4 465 51 D McCthyCarrollton Onatassn Miraumr 71456 Belmont 34 113 fast 15 91 5 S 9 3l 3s Delaby Ardri Reunite Glaucus LADY CORINNE ch f 3 by Allanadale Katie Ellerslie S Louis Weight todiv 107 76721 Fort Erie 34 l13g fast 8 105 11 12 12 133 13 Moreland Grenesane Camille M King Kolly 76647 Fort Erie 1 l42g fast 3 105 3 C 5 C B 4H T Rice LIgnando New Garter Woolnnn 76528 Fort Erie 1 147 hvy 15 102 5 6 7 6 6 6iT Rice Estella C Miss Catesby Helen B 76451 Fort Erie 34 115 slow 41 105 5 7 G 4l 21 T Rice Oriental Queen Caltha Fantasia 76353 Fort Erie 34 1144 fast 10 105 11 10 8 8 7 J T Rice Utterance Maycella Croydon JAVANESE b c 4 by My Boy II Java M Ording Weight todav 113 76924 Sheepshd Ab 2 4OS fast 20 130 134 4 4 = 4 Crumbley Tliistlcdale Denier Bat Bat7CS75 7CS75 Sheepshd Ab 2 407 fast 10 134 fi 5 Pulled up Kelleher Caller Pirate Ramrod 75673 Latonia 1 1422 fast 335 105 14 14 13 13 13lu13 Fogarty Bitter Miss AVater Lake Airship 75400 Latonia S C 259 fast 45 137 8 Ran out E Morson Waterway Jason Class Leader LeaderLAURA LAURA A ch f 4 by Goldcrest Carmaid G Council Weight todav 103 74669 Pimlico 34118 hvy 23 110 9 97 Cut 83 McCabe Tllllngliast C Turney T OToolu 74455 Pimlico 78 127 fast 1C 108 C C 7 7 7 7 J A McFnSugar Iiue Ontario AVeirdsome AVeirdsomeTILLINGHAST TILLINGHAST b g 3 by Fatherless Roselia R S Davidson Weight today 107 73650 AVindsor 34113 fast 20 9 1 C 7 7s 10llJPbrothcr Jane Swift Night Mist Giles 75538 Hamilton 34 1142 good 7 102 3 2 4 512 5I31T Rice Braggadocio Terah Purslane 74669 Pimlico 34 118 hvy 40 102 2 1 1 1 1s Fbrother ClellTurney TOTooleBof theBay 74355 Pimlico 58 102 fast 20 93 5 223 32 Fbrotber Billie Uibbs Takbu Aferrlmac AferrlmacMERRIMAC MERRIMAC ch g 3 by Potentate Merry Dawn Aftongreen Stable Weight today 107 74532 Pimlico 34 1 153 good 25 97 5 C 7 7l 7si J A McFnKempton Cock Sure Coincident Coincidenti i 74481 Pimlico 78 129S fast 10 107 6568 10 10 T Bergen Miss Marjoric Woolspun Tamme 74355 Pimlico 5S 1023 fast 50 92 2 5 5 52 4l Keating BillieHibbs Takbu Tillinghast 72957 Benning 51 f l09j good 60 86 1 668 82uJKeating Oraculum B Hibbs K of Eashan 72014 Benning 51 f 110 fast 60 92 4 7 5 Gb 6 Henry Bellwether ApToddy LaughEyer LaughEyerBELLE BELLE MINA b f 4 by Kilmarnock or Lissak Puritania Mrs M AVilson Weight today 108 77027 Jamestown 31 l15g fast CO 115 9 J Conlin Youthful DandyDancer Boftlieltay 75820 Latonia 34 1143 good 400 105 3 32 21 4s Jas Hogg SorrelTop DonnaElvira Marmorean 75610 Latonia 7S 1273 fast 160 98 8 10 12 12 II2 112 Jas Hogg Geneva S Deacon Hazelthorpe 75425 Latonia 78 1271 fast 8 100 1 5 4 3 71 9lciJas Hogg Mattie Mack Dorasette GeoYoung GeoYoungPROFIT PROFIT ch f 3 by St Mark Junaetta R H Wright Weight today 107 77030 Jamesfn 1 1S 156 J fast 7 98 61 C White Fancy Bird Besterling Camille Camille76SS5 76SS5 Pimlico 1 116 1512 fast 8 101 4 5 3 2 22 2s J J AValsh Jubilee WabQueen GrandVedette 76529 Pimlico 5S 1033 good 5 101 C 55 41 43S Trueman Firebrand Baby Willie Consistent 76S03 Pimlico El 1 110I hvy 5 110 4 4 3 31 21 Mr Wright Firebrand BoftheBay GGryselle WESTERN KNIGHT b g 3 by Free Knight Martha D I B Fitzgerald AVeight today 107 7529S Latonia 34 116 good 7 91 S 5 5 133 1311 J Connelly Donaldo Alsatian Goldess 75036 Louisville 34 113 fast 15 933 36 d S8S J Connelly TopsyRoblnson Marmorean Hollow HollowPRECEDENCE PRECEDENCE b f 3 by Bendoran Rank D Hill Wdrfrt today 107 74581 Lexington 31 1195 hvy 60 107 3 888 8 = 8 E Griffin Terah Moquette Macias 74510 Lexington 34 115 fast 30 93 7 56 9 913JE Griffin Merrick Darknight Malmaison