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New York Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday September 29 WEATHER CLEAR TEACK FAST NEW YORK ENTRIES ENTRIESAqueduct Aqueduct Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time XRuns well In mud Superior mud runner First Race 34 Milo 2yearolds Handicap Track record 42014 112 3 110 Ind Horse AVt Rec A Wt 77251 FOOTPAD 110110 115 77172 = Uncle Jim 107 1077717G 7717G Bird of Flight II 102 1027722S 7722S = Obdurate 105 1057COC5 7COC5 Yardstick 07 07Second Second Race 6 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 58282 1104 4 100 75204 = Transvaal 310S 771133 Director 5 117 77208 Saracinesca 1181201 4 110 1107tHi422 7tHi422 Sanguine 105 123 100 77255 Yorkist 1121221 4 110 77274 Queen Marguerite 3 104 77090 = Black Mary 3 113 77302 Okenite 4 110 772743 Biskra 3 102 102Third Third Race 1 Mile MileAll All Ages Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 00370 138 3 106 75789 Montgomery 105 13S 4 11 1177143s 77143s Fort Johnson 3 105 77252 fSay lor 100 l30i 5 5 77231 Tony Bonero 9 13 4 100 77302 = Live AVire 124 139 3 95 77277 Dandelion 120 1388 G111 772043tTileing li 105 1 4 104 77231 Marathon 1 1S 111 138J 4 95 S C Hildreth entry tJ entrytJ H McCormick entry Fourth Race 78 Mile Woodmere Stakes Value 1000 3year olda and upward Selling Track record 54020 120 3 101 101Horse Ind Horse Wt Ree A Wt WtTlie 77301 Tlie Squire 111 127 3 103 103Stargowan 77255s Stargowan 3 90 77301 Monfort 107 120 4 113 77080 Don Enrique 111 l25s 4 115 770SS Ben Ban llJ 123 5 115 77147 AAhip Top 3 107 7 43 Beancoup 310G 730 77202 Black Oak 3 100 720 Montpelier Stable entry entryFifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Soiling SoilingTrack Track record 42014 1121 3 110 110T T 013 Dan de Noyles 101 115 X725 7200 = George W Lebolt 107 720 7204S25 4S25 Klizaheth Sweeney 105 x 715 7200 Ramble 103 X 715 7170 O U Kid 7X710 7X710T3005 T3005 Eschau 102 705 77200 Racquet 07 703 703Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds AVcightsTrack and upward Maidens Special AVcights Track record 30370 138 3 100 77256 = Chaplet 107 1 42J 105 725 77174 Shadow Glance 3 105 77255 Voltrome 3 105 7534G Green Hill 4 108 7725G Tennis 3 105 U8321 Battersby 3 105 The figures under Rec in above entries show the best time made toy the horse at the distance with weight carried since January 1 1000 This time is not necessarily made by a winner It may be the estimated time of a losing performance