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MONEY SIDE OF EASTERN RACING 1 Recently a local newspaper published a statement to the effect that the Brooklyn Jockey Club Jost 71000 on its fall meeting at Gravesend The fact that the total distribution of money to winning own ¬ ers at that meeting was only G5000 exposes the utter falsity of that slatement From all accounts the Gravesend meeting was well patronized and it the attendance was anything like what it was repre ¬ sented to be the club instead o losing money reaped a fair profit ou its meeting meetingXo Xo doubt similar losses will be ascribed to the AVestchester Itacing Association when its fall meet ¬ ing comes to a close Yet what was probably true of the Graveseud meeting is likely to prove true in regard to the Belmont Park meeting that is a profit in each case In money moneyitheWestchester itheWestchester Raet ing Association will give away asXoHows asXoHowsIn In added money to stakes 31250 31250In In eleven purses of 400 each 4400 4400In In six purses of 350 each 270 270In In nine purses of 500 each 4000 4000In In twelve purses of 000 each 7200 7200Total Total of stakes and purses 50050 50050Probable Probable expenses at 1200 per day 0000 0000Grand Grand total 50J50 50J50Under Under this showinte it being approximately cor ¬ rect as to expenses and absolutely so as to stake and purse money the Wcstchester Ilaeing Association can lose but a small amount even it It loses any ¬ thing So far as the racing oC tho whole year is con ¬ cerned only the Coney Island Jockey Club Brighton Beach Uacing Association Saratoga Association and Empire City Association had any chance to lose anything The other clubs had profitable and unin ¬ terrupted spring meetings and having cut offer ¬ ings and cxyenses to the bone for their autumn meetings are probably making a little more money Instead of losing despite intentionally lying reports to tlie contrary