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THREE ENGLISH SIRES FOR AUSTRALIA. Three good future sires have recently been sent to Australia by English breeders. They are consigned to Mr. A. Wieuholt. and are intended for Jueensland. The first is Borghese. a brown hors" six years old. by Avingtou Pauline, by Hermit Borghese won eight races in England, including tb-rent Cheshire Handicap and Prince of Wales Han Heap at Leicester. He also ran eight seconds and our thirds. The next is Thor, a bay horse, six rears old. by Jacquemart Awe. by Blandford. out if Adamant, bv Sterling. He won six races and ran. two seconds. The third horse is Kilwinning, n brown lorse. six years old. by Galloping Lad Jeanne, by Poste Bestante. out of Courageous, bv Valour, our if Heath of Atliolstone. by Elthus. out of Teranta tion. by Stockwell. Kilwinning won the Old Newton Cup aud other races.