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NEW ORLEANS OUTLOOK IMPROVES. President Heaslip and Northern Interests Agree at Louisville Not Yet Complete. Louisville. Ky.. October 5. Afler a conference of seviral hours held yesterday by Messrs. Cella. Bhi-tock, Corrlgau. Heaslip and Lngarde. tlie New Orleans acing problem was partially adjusted and at tlie present il appears almost certain that a race meeting will V held there iiext winter. Messrs. Heaslip and Lagardc. representing a lioldiug company consisting f reputable New Orleans business men, submitted atisfactory assurances that they could null off a -ace meeting free from interference if the tracks .vere placed under their control. This practically lmounied to a proposition to lease the plants from he present owners. The Crescent City Jockey Club nterests showed a willingness to lend their aid to he proposition and gave Mr. Heaslip terms on which hey would sub-lease the Fair Grounds for a period of years. The City Park ihterests also concurred md agreed to lot their track on the same terms. While the amounts and conditions incident to the rausfer were not made public, it is said they are not sufficiently heavy to prevent a successful con-ummation of the deal. Those interested in this ection are voicing their belief that the arrangements ire as good as concluded. After some discussion the men that control the two plants concluded to give way to the sentiment if the folks down in New Orleans, and decided to iceept the proposition of forming a holding company, md this will be done as soou as Mr. Heaslip gets iack to the Crescent City. It is believed that nothing can come up in the for-uation of .the company that will interfere with pres-nt arrangements and, as the holding company will iperate within the law. nothing except something mforeseen can prevent a race meeting at New Or-eans. Mr. Heaslip felt sanguine that he could meet the "onditions imposed and said: You can say authori-atively that a race meeting of tU.iety days duration leglnning early in December, akout tho fifth, will !e started in New Orleans t.jls winter, and that "t will compare favorably witl. preding meetings. Nothing will be left undone to Insure its success. "The understanding reached at this afternoons conference was satisfactory, and 1 have not the lightest doubt that it will meet with approval from nembers of the holding company I represent. There ;till remain some minor details to be perfected lie-fore it is an assured fact that we take over the .Tacks, but I have no reason to fear there will be a slip-up in their adjustment. Mr. Lagarde and myself return lo New Orleans tomorrow to shape final arrangements, and it should not require more than Ive days to bring matters to a settlement. A meeting of the City Park Jockey Club is necessary to be -ailed as a matter of legal form to ascertain the wishes of tho minority stockholders, but their sane-Ion or disannroval will hardly bar the way to con-mmraatc present plans. "It is our aim to race on the tracks alternately. Probably for two weeks neriods. We also will try o till the different positions from local people. "The possibility of big earnings does not enter nto consideration. Our main object in continuing the racing is to perpetuate the sport in New Orleans md prevent its decline." Messrs. Heaslip and Lagarde departed for New Orleans tonight, where thev will have a final conference with their associates there and submit the new arrangements. It is thought that -those will be approved and the matter satisfactorily adjusted within live days. A practical racing man Is to ho engaged to manage the two plants. An offer was made to Matt Wlmi. but ho declined.