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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, November 12. WEATHER CLE AH. TRACK FAST. OAKLAND ENTRIES. Ind. Horse. Kcc. A. Wt. Hdcp. 7S11S3 Fred Bent 5..104..X720 Racing starts at 1:40 p. m. Chicago time. 3:40. IWand ,and1Ul osistiua ........ iu 105 j 1-53 o" u..iuy..xiu "lOT X710 . Runs well In mud. Superior mud runner. . , . .. Fourth Race 7-8 Mile. First Race Futurity Course. xil Aces. Handicap. 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Track record: 73730 1:251 1109. 3 year-olds and "Pwanl Filljes and Vares. Selling. 7S10S TONY FAUST ....112 1:20,? 4..105..X750 Tn.l Iraeiki0rd: wT1-2 74030 Frank Flittncr ....101 l:3l 5. .115. . X745 ,iL V, , lloc- XKR,e,C 7S1043 Tom nay ward .... . 2..S4..X740 inHa M?y 100 1:11 4..10G..X2.. w 733103 Deutschland 11 S 1:202 S..11S..X735 SUXH Belle Kinney 104 1:11- G. .100. . X 20 -cvm. -o0 i t.t;1o 7.-.102 Tawascntha 100 1:10 4..104..X715 f1. Liiinl TtfWtt Mechlin 10G 1:09 4. .100. .. .715 :rmni "Li Track .record: 69104 i 1:.SE 4 on 05. 7S103 Mab.d Hollander... 104 1:131 4. .100. . X715 75103 Mav Amelia 103 1:104 4..115..X710 7S1343 Billy Pullman Ill l:40g 105..X725 740493 Gosslper II 105 1:10 G..111..X710 78133 Captain Kennedy .. , . 100 720 7si: t Abbey .......... 97 1:111 3. .104. .. .710 7S134 BiHy Walking ... . 90 1:40 0S..X715 7..025 Hoyal River 4..10C..X705 7S1 3 Sir Wesley H:1r Xi 7slli3 Ito Cberrv 10S 1:13 4..100. -X705 781.5;. Roninnoff 10i 1:42 lO.s 710 VC!X, Motlskatla . 109 1:12 7..1OG..X70O 7S107 Warden Yell 104 1:44 100..X7O5 V0001 Priceless Jewel ... 3. .101. .700 74000 Black Dress 104 1:41 100..X70.. Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. sia5 Mamie Stanhope .. 100..... 00 2-vear-olds. Selling. Sixth Races 3-4 Mile. Track record: 72030l:05iG112. All Arcs. Special Weights. 7 70 IS S.-mproni 100 1:08 103 725 Track record: 7201i 1:11 3 103. VM3C Force 114 1:07 10S..X720 7S13G2 Native Son 100 1:13 4..112..X725 :.21.. Altamor 105..X715 7S10S3 Fireball 104 1:12ft G..112..X720 r,021 Pomare 103 715 74S72 Dollie Dollars S9 1:151 4. .112. . x71f VSli;, Fient 100 710 77100 Creation . 3.. Ill 715 7S1L, The Drake 9S....705 7810S Cloudlight 103 1:124 G..112..X710 Victoria Green, cli. rl E"se Rose 4..112..X705 f. by All Green 7S103 Ellerd 1011:13s 5.. 115 00 Victoria, by Peel. 100 .. The figures under "Rec." In above entries show Third Race 1 1-8 Miles. the best time made by the horse at the distance. 3-year-oJds and upward. Selling. with weight carried, since January 1. 1900. This Track record: 7202! 1:51 3 109. time is not necessarily made by a winner. It may 7S11S5 Fantastic 102 1:511 4..105..X725 be the estimated time of a losing performance. LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED TODAY. The small f euro under "Str." show3 the distance tho horse was ahead of that next in tho raco. Tho mall I H 2guro under "Fin." unless tho horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind tho winner, j FIRST, RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Hares, ing. 71S17 1 :0SJ 2 99. Index Course DistTimeTckC-dds "Wt St StrFin Jockeys Best Company. ANITA MAY. b. f. 4. by King Eric Fig Leaf T. 0. Webber. Weight today IOC. i 1!0 Oakland 3-4 1:13;? fast 9-5 112 1 2 2 13 1 V Powers Nagazam, B.Kinney, Smil.Metzner 76f97 Seattle 3-4 1:122 fast 13-5 109 C 5 5 C1 4 Russell Bavaria. Bye Bye II.. Taniar. 7C917 Seattle 3-4 l:12g fast 11-5 119 5 3 3 35 321 Russell Blondv. Nagazam. Taniar. iCSoO Seattle 3-4 l:13g good 2 112 3 2 2 21 l1 Russell BelleKinuey. MissFairbanks. Vivant BELLE KINNEY, b. m. 6. by Belvidcre Miss Kinney W. Fisher. Weight today 106. i.Uju Oakland 3-4 1:13? last f 112 2 11 2- 31 Rettig AnnaMay, Nagazam.Smil.-Metzner. 7C.11 Seattle 51 f l:06g slow 13-5 111 1 13 41 51 Rettig Shir. Rossmore. St. Francis. Bucolic 7CS",o Seattle 3-4 1:13M good 7-5 112 2 11 l3 21 Rettig Anna May. .Miss Fairbanks. Vivant. bTS Seattle 3-4 l:12g last 14-5 112 1 . 1 1 l2 2and Rettig Blondy. Taxer. Yank. TAWASENTHA. blk. f. 4. by Ravelston Lavena C. Oakland Stable. Weight today 104. V.1C2 Oakland 3-1 1:132 fast 11-10 107 2 1 1 1-1 ll J MclntyreM. Hollander. Black Mate. Orelio. 7419 Oakland 3-4 1:12 fast 21 109 9 8 S 1"k MclntyrePal. L. of the Forest. Triumphant. 74C33 Oakland F C 1:092 fast 13-5 109 1 1 2 2 22 J McIntyre.TohnH.Sheeban, Talarand, Nagazam 71432 Oakland 3-4 1:138 fast 21 109 2 1 1 l3 2 Buxton Elmdale, Talarand, Salvage. MECHLIN, b. i. 4. by St. Carlo Gold Lace D. A. Ross. Weight today 10G. JU!i Seattle 3-4 1:148 fast 1G-5 109 7 6 15 4 7"Coburn Korosllanv. Millie It.. Mondclla. VCJ17 Seattle 3-4 1:128 fast CO 117 7 C C 7 7l5J.Coburn Blondy. Nagazam. Anna May. ..7 15. battle 3-4 1:145 mud 20 10S 7 C G 62 712JD Boland Abbey. Miss Fairbanks. Anna May. MABEL HOLLANDER, b. f, 4, by Maxio Circlet E. J. Ramsey. Weight today 10G. isio;: Oakland 3-1 1:13J fast 8 105 1 2 2 3i 4i E Sullivan Voorhees. St. Francis, Military Man i:. ij Oakland lm20y 1:4U fast 7 103 2 1 1 1 1M: E SullivanBlackMate. High Gun. L.C.Aekcrley .1SS Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 41 112 4 4 4 31 l1! E. SullivanSir Brillar. Mike Jordan. Eseamado MAY AMELIA, br. f. 4. by Bannockburn Amelia May C. Sanford. Weight today 115. i 10?. Oakland 3-4 1:13J fast 9 lis 5 8 5 5ut G8J 13 Lynch Voorhees. St. Francis. Military Man .j627 S-attlp 3-1 l:13i fast 4i 107 2 4 3 21 2J D Boland Luretta. Monvina. Ray Bennett. .".47 Seattle 7-S 1:2C1 fast 3" 105 4 2 1 1 l1 4and T Boland First Peep. Pal. Gargantua. GOSSEPER II.. eh, in. C. bv Colonel Wheeler Confidante J. Touhey. Weight today 111. vloi9 S. Anita 1 1:40 fast 9-5 105 2 1 1 1 l1 3s Goldstein B.Pr.Charlie, Matador, Mandarin.. 73922 S. Anita 7-S 1:2S slop S-5 107 4 2 2 2 25 15 G Burns Dulcinea, Bauble, Airs. 73799 S. Anita 3-4 l:13g fast 3i 103 4 4 4 3J 2 G Burns Ingham, NunsVeiling, Hazelthorpe 73C47 S. Anita 7-S l:2Cg fast 8 102 Gil 1 11 2J G ArchibdSIlverskin, Stouey Lee, Canique. ABBEY, b. f. 3. by PeeD oDay Abbey Dell W. Livingston. Weight today 104. 78131 Oakland 3-4 1:13$ fast 10 102 5 C G CJ 7i Russell Wap. Boas. Billy Pullman. 70745 Seattle 3-4 1:143 mud 4 100 1 11 Is l2 A Walsh M.Fairbanks. AnnaMay. RoseCherry 7 JG74 Seattle 5. f l:0Sg slop 4 110 3 2 3 21 2 A Walsh All Alone. Miss Fairbanks. Yank. 7C378 Seattle 3-4 1:132 fast 12-5 119 4 11 l1 "2 A Walsh Blondy. 1auk. 13. C. Runte. ROYAL RIVER, b. f, 4, by Bridgewater Charter Queen J. H. Shouldice. Weight today 10G. ,:,.; Oakland lm20y 1:41k fast 20 100 11 5 10 9 9 910 Eisenzpf Ed Davis. Standover. Triumphant. 7VJM Oakland lrn70y l:43g fast 15 95 3 5 G C 51 51 Eisenzpf Martinmas, Eduardo. Saint Modan. 74S74 Oakland lm70y 1:15 good 11 103 5 4 3 4 7i 911lBuxton Martinmas, Standover, Pickaway. 747C7 Oakland lm20y 1:42J fast 15 112 7 5 3 3 5i 5SJ Eisenzapf FairFagot, Capt.Burnet, Martinmas ROSE CHERRY, ch. f. 4. by Rubicon Rio Honda F. J. Neil. Weight today 10G. 7811C Oakland 3-4 l:14g fast 4 112 0 3 2 2-" 38J E Lynch Aftermath. Cholk Hedrick. Melar. 7G977 Seattle 3-4 l:12g fast 100 96 1 6 S S SJGlass Ida May. Bucolic, Fireball. 7CS99 Seattle 3-4 1:132 fast 13-5 109 5 1 1 Is 1 Coburn Birdie P.. Bonaventure. Bogobama. 7G745 Seattle 3-1 1:14 mud 30 103 2 2 4 43 4 Mentry Abbey. Miss Fairbanks. Anna May. METLAKATLA, br. m. 7. by Brutus Miowcra W. Durker. Weight today 10G. WMj Seattle 3-4 l:14g fast 25 109 S S S 8 S13IJ Hayes Korosilany. Millie R.. Mondella. iC9oa Seattle 3-4 1:13 fast 30 101 10 9 9 83 710iF Wliite Esealante. Deneen. Calves. 7C7tt Seattle 3-1 1:15 slop 30 101 11 11 10 Sl 510"F White LauraClay. Excitement. Dr.CoIcman F PRICELESS JEWEL, br. f. 3. by Plaudit Par Excellence R. L. Thomas. Weight today 104. VtiiOl Windsor 3-4 1:135 fast CO 9912 11 11 10 10s G Swain Ida Reck, Refined. BelleoftheBay. 75508 Montreal 3-4 1:14J fast 10 102 G 4 G 6 5s C H ShilgMontbert, Adrian, Lajeunesse. 75259 Montreal 5-8 1:00J fast 3 I0G 6 3 3 4 GiC II ShllgTenakoe, Manheimer, Lawless. 75134 Toronto 3-4 1:15J fast 7-10 117 G 3 5 C 6iFrancis Sandal, Jane Swift, Cruche d0r. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. 720301:0550112. SEMPRONI. b. c. 2. by Sempronius Armiel W. E. Anplegate. Weight today 103. 77C4S Louisville 3-4 1:131 fast 1G 102 2 3 3 4s 5J A AValsli AliceBaird. Dr.Holzberg. Arionette. V7497 Louisville 55 f 1:09 fast 19-5 115 11 12 S 4i lh A Walsh Procla. Almena. Harriet Rowe. i 74" Louisville 3-1 1:14 fast 3-2 107 2 1 2 42 42 V Powers Mabel Henry. Dr. Holzberg. Buttons 77259 Lexington 3-1 1:144 fast 10 109 3 7 5 51 3l M McGee Glid.Belle. MabelHenry. Wll.Plume FORCE, ch. c. 2. by Arkle Our Baby S. C. Hildrcth. Weight today 103. iN13fi Oakland 3-4 1:13 fast 18-5 90 3 2 3 2k 4J Upton Sewcll. Native Son. Roalta. 7Uj31 Seattle 5J f 1:07 fast 1 114 1 1 1 l2 1J C Koerner FairAnnie. Aks-Ar-Ben. Lula G. 7-J277 Seattle 54 f 1:07 fast 1 110 1 1112 1J Slesinger Pert, Aks-Ar-Ben. Hazlet. 7C00S Seattle 5A f l:07i good 4-5 109 1 2 2 2 l4 A Walsh L. Mulligan. Aks-Ar-Ben. Anderson. ALTAMOR, b. c. 2. by Altamax Mortgage Sea Air Stable. Weight today 105. ,.:i."i Oakland 5-S l:01g fast S 110 5 2 2 23 2 Sandy n. Louise. Intonation. Aks-Ar-Ben. 4974 Oakland 1-2 17$ fast 1S-5 110 5 3 2s l2 J MclntyreMicaela. Decorate. Zella G. POMARE. ch. f, 2, by Solitaire II. Gaviota Napa Stock Farm. Weight today 103. . ji"L Oakland 5-S 1:01 fast 30 102 4 3 3 71 712 A Harris Osorine. Frieze. Aks-Ar-Ben. 74!ii.. Oakland 1-2 47g fast 20 107 3 5 5i G,Ji C Ross Mental Anguish. Osorine. II.Louise. 744M Oakland 1-2 48 fast 10 108 10 G G 5 W Fischer CaptainJohn, Bill Eaton, Phlllistina 74331 Oakland 1-2 4Si fast 8 107 G 2 22 43i Dearborn Prudent, Ocean Queen, Bill Eaton. FIGENT. b. f. 2. by Hastings Fidona J. Jones. Weight today 100. , H, Oakland 5-8 1 :00g fast 10 109 9 7 7 71 5,s A Walsh Coty tto. Beau Man. Palo Alto. THE DRAKE, ch. c. 2. by Altamax Duckling T. H. Williams. Weight today 98. 11. Oakland 5-S 1:002 fast 15 112 12 12 12 ll2 ll2Gilbert Cotytto. Beau Man. Palo Alto. j137 Oakland 4i f 541 fast 25 10G 12 12 12 ll20 Sandy B. of Brass. M. Fountain. Novgorod. 54507 Oakland 1-2 474 fast 15 107 7 9 81 S85 W Miller Ment.Anguish, Middie. Bub. Water. 74799 Oakland 1-2 49g slop 30 10S 4 G i 5s W Miller Reformation, Bub.Water. B.ofBrass VICTORIA GREEN, ch. f. 2. by All Green Victoria. Weight today 100. First start. THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 720291:513109. FANTASTIC, br. f. 4. by Galore Phantom Belle Fleur do Lis Stable. Weight today 105. Tsils Oakland 1 l:40g fast 55 107 3 4 4 4 4 22 Buxton Woodcraft. Fred Bent. Bellwether. 7CG72 Seattle 7-8 l:26g slop 8 100 3 5 5 5 41 35 Buxton Smiley Corbett. Critic. StanleyFay. 7G557 Seattle 1 1-1 2:04$ fast G 100 4 4 5 4 5a 31 Buxton Stanley Fay. Pedro. Harry Scott. 7C513 Seattle 1 1:294 fast 71 104 1 1 1 1 1J lb Buxton EdwInGum. HastyAgnes. Massa. FRED BENT. ch. g. 5. by Salvado Miss Alice III. H. R Schaffer. Weight today 104. lis Oakland 1 l:40g fast G-5 107 1 2 2 2 l1 3 A Walsh Woodcraft. Fantastic. Bellwether. 7S105 Oakland lm20y 1:404 fast 21 104 G G G 5 2 2-1 C II ShilgW.T.Overton. Sugarmd. Woodcraft 7C799 Seattle lm70y 1:464 slop 9-5 ill 4 4 4 5 52 7"iC Koerner Bar.OldQeld. Triumphant. Harmakls 70513 Seattle 1 1:394 fast 4i 110 5 3 3 3 55 585 I Boland Fantastic. EdwinGum. HastyAgnes 7C3G1 Seattle 1 1-1G 1:45 fast 5 110 4 1 1 1 ll 15 Page Massa. Harry Scott. Fantastic. NADZU, ch. g. 4. by Lodowic Salt Grass Mag E. J. Ramsey. Weight today 94. 74590 Oakland 1 1-4 2:004 fast 20 92 10 8 8 S Sh T"h 11 Sullivan Silver Line, Rublnon, Eduardo. 74S3G Oakland 1 1-2 2:341 good 15 99 5 G 7 7 7 713JA Walsh Legatee, Avontellus, J. O. Clem. 7474S Oakland 1 1-4 2:05 fast 9 103 8 8 10 8 S2 8"iMcntry Avontellus, Netting, Pontotoc. 74591 Oakland 1 1-2 2:301 good 7 102 G 3 1 1 l1 2 Mentry Logistilla, Edwin T. Fryer, Legatee LOGISTILLA. ch. m. 6. by Locohatchee Ssarg H. W. Hoag. Weight today 109. .Mor. Oakland lm20y 1:104 fast 20 101 5 7 7 7 7 Glu G ArchibdW.T.Overton. FredBent. Sugarmaid. 7C939 Seattle 1 1-8 1:524 slow 15 98 5 G C G 7 7f.A Harris Vox Popull. Pedro. Edwin T. Fryer 7C871 Seattle 1 1-S l:51g fast 1G 98 3 7 7 7 7 7aJ Coburn GreenSeal. VoxPopull. Tony Faust. 7CC73 Seattle 1 1-8 1:554 slop 5 9S 2 Fell. Page Mlrzer, Tony Faust. First Peep. FOURTH RACE 7-8 Mile. All Ages. Handicap. 737301:2541109. TONY FAUST, br. c. 4. by Sain St. Rose S. C. Hildreth. Weight today 105. 7 liJS Oakland F C 1:10 fast 3-2 112 7 S G G C O n ShilgSmiIey Corbett. Sewell, Fireball. 7C919 Seattle ImSOy 1:404 fast 9-5 10S 1 2 3 3 33 32 C Koerner VoxPopull. Cadlchon. Stanley Fay. 7GS71 Seattle 1 1-8 l:51g fast 7 108 1 2 2 2 21 33J C Koerner Green Seal. Vox Popull. M. Mazzoni 7C7G7 Seattle lm50y 1:45 slop C-5 10S 2 11 1 li 1 C Koerner Mlrzer. Miss Mazzoni. FRANK FLITTNER. ch h. 5. by Bannockburn Derfargilla Los Angeles Stable. . Weight today 115, 74G3G Oakland 1 1-S 1:53 fast 5 110 2 3 4 2 22J lfc Rettig Cabin, J. C. Clem, Logistilla. 71592 Oakland 1 1-10 1:4G good 9-5 112 4 4 3 3 2" l2 W Kelly J. C. Clem, Marster, A. Muskoday. 74517 Oakland 1 1-S 1:52 fast 1S-5 10S G 2 2 2 2JS 13 Rettig Cabin, Marster. J. C. Clem. 74411 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:4G fast G-5 10G 6 12 1 3l 2nt w Miller Cabin, Downpatrlck, J. C. Clem. TOM HAYWARD. b. g. 2. by Cunard Mamie G. T. H. Williams. Weight today 84. 75104 Oakland 5-S 59g fast 12 1 00 8 4 4 4s 3i Gilbert Righteasv. LIstowel. Madman. 77172 Gvesend 5J f 1:07 fast 15 100 7 5 5 5 1 55 Sweet JoeMadden. UncIeJlm. Law. Wiggins 7G751 Empire 3-4 1:151 fair 12 104 5 5 5 4 4i Gilbert Etherial. Fashion Plate. Personal. 76G7C Empire 5J f 1:07 fast 10 107 3 3 3 32 3i Gilbert Trance. Royal Captive. Personal. 76CG0 Empire 6i f 1:0S4 slop 8 99 3 2 2 3i 3 Gilbert Wise Mason. Personal. Sandpiper. DEUTSCHLAND. b. h. 8. by Sain Derfargilla B. Sehreiber. Weight today 118. 73310 Oakland 3-4 1:124 fast 7 115 4 3 2 31 3 Gilbert Gemmell, Pajarolta. Bucolic. 73253 Oakland 3-4 1:14 good 6i 110 5 3 2 2 23 Keogh Bucolic, Ovclando, Andrew B. Cook 73195 Oakland CI f 1:0S4 slow 3 120 1 2 4 4 4 .Keogh Bucolic, Pajarolta. Sevenfull. 73040 Oakland 7-S 1:318 mud 11-5 117 2 1 1 4 3i 32i R Davis Raleigh, Massa, The Englishman. FLFTH RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. G9101 l:3Sg 1 95. i BILLY PULLMAN, b. g, 3, by Glenheim Andrisa E. Trotter. " Weight today 105. 78134 Oakland 3-4 1:132 rast 10 102 S 7 7 7 3 C Ross Wap. Boas. Billy Watkins. 7703S Seattle 1 1:40? fast 9-5 111 5 3 3 3 l2 Is C Koerner John Lyle. Tonic. Bonton. 77000 Seattle 1 1:393 fast 7 103 10 8 5 3 4 5 48 Mentry Day Star. Stoney Lee. Wap. 7C9G1 Seattle lmSOy 1:414 fast C-5 103 3 4 2 2 2l lsh G ArchlbdBonheur. John J. Mohr. Bonaventure CAPTAIN KENNEDY formerly St. Charles, ch. g, 3, by Rubicon Anita B. H. Mack. Weight today 100. sl33 Oakland 3-1 1:14 fast 13-5 102 4 1 1 li 2- Gilbert Nebulosus. Adena. Bnrnell. 7C97G Seattle 3-4 1:13 fast 10 113 1 3 3 2 3li Rettig S.Rossmore. Taxer. FreeK.theBear. 7GS72 Seattle lmSOy 1:424 fast 25 104 1 1 1 1 24 25 W MclnreKruka. Josles Jewel. Ickersall. 7C730 Seattle 1 1:394 fast 15 95 7 8 7 7 7s 7 A Harris Kruka. Eckersall. Orlllamb. BILLY WATKINS. b. g. 3. by Indio Chemica V. H. Terry. Weight today 95. 78134 Oakland 3-4 1:134 fast 9 97 7 8 8 S 43 Coburn Wap. Boas. Billy Pullman. 7CS52 Seattle 1 l:40g good 6i 9G 4 4 3 3 2s l1 Coburn OriUamb. Complaint. Uncle Henry. 7C765 Seattle lm70y 1:462 slop 4i 91 4 4 2 2 23 2i Coburn Maud McG.. Bud Embry. Cork Hill. 76654 Seattle 1 1-16 1:478 fast 7-5 90 2 1 1 1 l1 1 Coburn Captain Bush. Our Sallie. Jacomo. SIR WESLEY, br. g. 3. by Gigantcum T?oncho C. W. Chappell. Weight today 100. S133 Oakland 3-4 1:143 fast 20 102 0 7 7 G4 5s Vandsen Nebulosus. CaptainKennedy. Adena. ollG Oakland 1 1:413 fast 12 107 8 10 11 11 102 104iBuxton Colbert. Sir Angus. St., Kllda. 74S92 Oakland 1 1-16 1:46$ fast 12 88 10 7 5 8 5"k Gi Cboneau Woolen, John H., Captain Bush. 74544 Oakland 1 1:424 fast 15 104 2 6 7 4 42i 3 Stuart Humero, Arthur Hyman, Athgold. ROMANOFF, b. c. 3. by St. Symphorien Catherine the Great S. G. Lynch. Weight today 108. iS13o Oakland 1 l:41g fast 5 117 1 2 2 2 2nk 4 V Powers Phalanx. Lady Alicia. CharleyPalne 6961 Seattle ImoOy 1:444 fast 16 107 4 9 9 10 10 10" Alarle Billv Pullman. Bonheur. J. J. Mohr 6S24 Seattle 1 1-1G 1:49 slow 30 101 1 3 4 4 4 78 Cotton Litholln. Standover. Gracious Uame. C749 Seattle 1 1:43J mud 10 101 4 6 4 4 42 312 Cotton Henry O.. LoveyMary. Col. Warwick WARDEN YELL, br. c. 3. by St. Aronicus Marcie A. Oakland Stable. Weisht today 100. 8107 Oakland lm70y l:4ag fast 40 97 11 9 S 7 7 6"iRussell M.Jordan. Remember. County Clerk S69 Oakland lm70y 1:46 fast 7 107 10 8 10 9 81 7J J Hayes Henry O., Ten Oaks, Confederate. 73443 Oakland 11:42 rast 20 105 S 11 8 G 93 9lGargan Brookleaf, Steel Blue, Catherine F. 73209 Oakland F C 1:14 slow 50 110 14 14 14 12 12 J Hayes Emma G., Prince Brntus, Derdom. BLACK DRESS, blk. f. 3. by Pink Coat tester Lee S. A. Clopton. Weight today 100. 74000 S. Anita 1 1:41 fast 7 S7 G G 6 6 6J 6TJ E Martin LoIsCavanagh, Eonlte, Llberto. 73970 S. Anita CS f 1:203 fast 12 102 8 8 9 7i G55 E Martin Aristotle, Barney Oldfield, Eonlte. 73S94 S. Anita 7-S 1:27 fast 20 107 1 3 4 5 55 53 E Martin Barbette, Dally, Laudable. 73667 S. Anita 7-S 1:2C2 fast 12 107 10 9 9 8 S S" Shrlner L.Cavanagh, Dr.Mathews, Sparkles. MAMIE STANHOPE, b. f. 3. by Kismet-Tennie Nevino Bcckwith Stable. Weight today 100. 78135 Oakland 1 l:41g fast 30 114 6 C G 53 52 Keogh Plialans, Lady Alicia. CharleyPalne 429S Oakland 1 l:41g fast 10 93 10 4 5 C 10 92 A Walsh High Gun, B. Myer, Wolfvllie. 73S0S Oakland 7-S 1:29 fast 10 10G 11 9 9 9 8 S"iGargan Steel Blue, Humero. Expectant. 7368S Oakland F C 1:12 fast 15 107 G 10 9 6 52 Gargan Bannock Bob, Zoe Young, Humero. SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Special Weights. 720471:1143103. NATIVE SON. br. g. 4. by Glenheim Sister Joonie Kenilworth Stock Farm. Weight today 112. 7S136 Oakland 3-1 1:13 fast 20 92 1 1 1 15 2h A Walsh Sewell. Roalta. Force. 7S10S Oakland F C 1:10 fast 30 109 5 7 7 7 71B Kirschm Smiley Corbett. Sewell, Fireball. 7500O Oakland 3-4 1:121 fast 4 100 1 2 1 2" G"iKirschm Stanley Fay. Glorlo. Gene Russell. 74953 Oakland 5J f 1:00 fast 7 103 2 3 3 41 4SJ J MclntyreBuruIrig Bush. Grace G.. Pajarolta. FIREBALL, ch. g. 6. by Ben Strome Sly Nun H. G. Bedwell. Weight today 112. 7810S Oakland F C 1:10 fast 10 109 2 4 2 2 33 Lycurgus Smile.r Corbett. Sewell. Cloudllght. .6977 Seattle 3-4 l:12g fast 9 110 3 1 1 22 33 A Harris Ida May, Bucolic. Adena. 76729 Seattle 51 f 1:052 fast 3-2 110 5 3 4 41! 43 C Koerner Ida May. Security. The Sultan. 76693 Seattle 55 f l:0Gjs fast 1-2 111 1 2 1 l2 l3i C Koerner Horacell.. GiovanniBalerio. TeaSet. DOLLLE DOLLARS, b. f. 4. by Toddington Nadavis A. B. Buchanan. Weight today 112. 74S72 Oakland 7-S 1:261 good 10 105 4 9 9 9 9 9.l.Sandy Eyebright, Earl Rogers. Tavora. 747C5 Oakland 1 1:404 fast 1G 102 5 5 4 5 72 78i J MclntyrePrejuicio. Sidney F., Sibari. 7470G Oakland 1 1:394 fast 4S 102 1 4 5 7 7 781 A Walsh Vesme. Sidney F., Belmere. 74542 Oakland 1 1-1G 1:454 fast 10 93 7 7 7 7 G2 3J Cboneau Vox Popull, Daruma, St. Blmwood. CREATION, b. c. 3. by Altamax Recreation T. H. Williams. Weight today 111. 7100 Gvesend Ab3-4 1:09s fast 30 90 3 5 5 5and 48 E Martin Fort Johnson. Delirium. GoldenPearl 75S13 Sheepshd 7-S 1:254 fast 15 87 G 9 9 9 S 8" Upton Peter Quince, Dreamer, Roseben. 75C3S Sheepshd 61 f 1:19 fast 100 97 7 4 4 4and 88S Gilbert Westbury, Roseben. De. Mund. 75121 Gvesend 1 1-16 1:46? fast 60 101 3 4 4 4 4 4" Gilbert RoyalTourlst, LlveWIre, Rob.Cooper CLOUDLIGHT. b. m. G. by Bright Phoebus Lovelight Molera and Josephs. Weight today 112. 7S10S Oakland F C 1:10 fast 8 109 S 3 5 5u 43J G ArchibdSniiley Corbett, Sewell, Fireball. 7524G Oakland 51 f 1:06 fast 21-5 9S 1 3 3 lnt n Kirschm Glorio. Security. Burleigh. 7502G Oakland F C 1:09 fast 15 105 2 2 2 22 2 1 Sandy Security. College Widow. Kbkonio. PURSE ROSE. b. f. 4. by Orsini Rose of China Bay View Stable. Weight today 112. 7521G Oakland 7-S 1:274 fast 1S-5 117 1 2 2 2 21 Ins a Walsh May L. N.. Sibari. Billv Pullman. 75074 Oakland 5S f l:0Cg fast 20 99 4 5 5 5J 2 C Ross John H. Sheehan. Hereafter, Yada. ELLERD, b. h, 5, by Herald Tyna C. Morton. Weight today 115. 7S103 Oakland 3-4 1:134 fast 12 115 11 a 9 42 7lVandusen Voorhees. St. Francis. Military Man 7;139 Oakland lm20y 1:40?. fast 41 111 7 2 2 2 lk 4s Kirschm T. Ahearn. Bye Bye II.. Col. Widow. 75002 Oakland 1 1:394 fast 7-5 105 1 1 1 1 23 22 J MclntyreEyebrlght. Vesme. Sidney F.