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TELEGRAPHIC FORM. The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Oakland Oakland. Cal., December 25. 1 Knight Deck. Hampton Beauty, Harry Rogers. 2 Rosevale. Little Slss, Gallnda. 3 Apto Oro, Saraclnesca, Duke of Orleans. 4 Hanbridge. Collector Jessup. Light "Wool. 5 Captain Kennedy. Billy Pullman, -County Clerk. 6 -Erbet. Bill Eaton. Toll Box. H. Forsland. Santa Anita Park Los Angeles, Cal., December 25. 1 A. Muskoday, Earl Rogers, Pretension. 2 San Nicholas. John C. Rice, Garter Light. 3 Meelick. Chapultepec. Golly Ding. 4 Walker entry, Hildreth entry, Ethel Day. 5 Goldway. Animus, Alma Dufour. 6 Escalante. Alleviator. Godfathen. E. F. OMalley.