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UNCERTAINTY ATTENDING LATONIA RACING. Tl a certain extent there Is I string tied to the outlined program for I.atoiiias spring meeting. The dispute between the track ami the racing can-mission is before the Court of Appeals, the racing people having gaiucd a verdict in the Circuit Court of Kenton County, which pronounced the atantiaafc*n unconstitutional. If the decision of the higlast court is to the name effect a the lower court oue can expect a great race meeting at Latonia. it" adverse, then there will be a decided change. Should the track elect to go with the pari-muMiels there will be no slake races and no purses over Sei On that ha-is a race meeting of two or three weeks duration might lie conducted without much of 11 loss An effort has lieen made to make things might v unpleasant for the Latonia people, who have. been heralded as lieing everything under the sun except good citizens of the commonwealth. The I.atoni.i Jockey Club really went along in a most dignitiel manner. It sought by every means of reasoning to awnkeu the commission to tie conditions that pre vailed when a change of betting was asked for. The commission demurred and then the track went ahead according to law and asked fat a court hear ing. as its license was revoked, and all of this Is provided for by the law creating the commission It was no violation of the law for Latonia to go on with its meeting, at least not any more than the coiniui-Mon holding a session and giving ant dates after it had been declared an invalid hadp*. So all of this talk aliout sending militia, etc.. is something of a i"ke. The Latonia Jockey Club will abide by the law-Cincinnati F.miuirer.