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UNEXPECTED TEST CASE PROVIDED. Snu Francisco. Tal.. April-J4. —Ceorce Chanmm and leant Perleh, aged 17 and n» respectively, were arrested last night at n local boxing match for alleged! violation of the Walker Otis antJ-hettiug hjw. which compelled the aremmtare elasnaff, ni the Joiiil racing season. llieir cases are resarded as likely lo provide a test case of the new law. Ielii li muse while the boxing was coins on and offered to bet anyone seventy-five cents on the antennae of one of the tigbis. Somebody covered the wager and lam pas acted as stakeholder. In the police court case was transferred to Hie juvenile departasenl ami Periehs case was continued until Tuesilay to enable him to obtain conns, I. Arrangements have been completed for 11k- transfer of T. H. Williams contrail on jockey Gilbert to Harry I una. representing some eastern turfman Presiding fudge Hopper leaves tomorrow for his home in Kentucky.