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BELMONT PARK STAKE DATES. He Westchester Racing Association has announced the following program for the running of its spring stakes: Thursday. Mav 13 .Metropolitan Handicap, three years-olds anil over; New York Steeplechase, four yi ar obis and over. Saturday Mav 1". Juvenile, two-year-olds: toboggan Handicap three vcar-olds and over: Harlem Stake-, tin olds and over. Tuesday. Mav IS— Bouquet selling, two year olds: Ciotona Handicap, three year -olds and upward. Thuraday. Mav 20. Norwood stakes, three-year-olds and over: Ladles Gillies, tlir year olds. Saturday. Mav 22 Withers, three-year-old*; Wnit-nev Mem. rial Steeplechase, four year old.- and over. Tuesday. Mav 25 Claremout Handicap, throe fear-olds and over: Fashion fillies, two year olds. Thursday Mav 27 -Amateur Cu|.: Meadow Brook Hunters Steeplechase. Saturday Mav :•.* Poeaatlco Stakes, three-year olds: Internationa] Steepleefaaae Handicap. Moinlav. Mav :;1 National BtalUon Race, two year ..I. Is: Van Coitlaiidl Handicap, throo-.uar old- Wednesday. June 2 Grand National Steeplechase; Belmont Make- thkee-yedr-olds: Laureate Stakes. tw« year .-Id-.