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EXPERIMENTAL MEXICAN MEETING HLD. Rarinfr Carried on at Agnus Calientes Fails to Attract Much Patronage. City of Mexico. Mexico. May R. — The first real race raeetlajE which Mexico has hiitl since Colonel Boli Pate operated tracks in this city more than ten years ago. has ended at. Aguas Calientes. a small city, twelve hours ride from here. Although the Meeting could scarcely lie called a success, nevertheless it served to arouse interest. Alejandro de la Arena, a wealthy French-Mexican ami prominent memlier of the Jockey Club, gave the meeting, and for the oceasiou erected stands, paddock, stables and constructed a fair seven-und -a-half furlongs track. Riicing was well conducted, under the man ageinent of Mr. tie la Arena, with Jose Romero luismer. Hie Spanish charge daffaires, as presiding judge. But one thing was made evident —these planning a racing rireail in Mexico may as well give up their plans for building tracks except iu the capita] and at Juarez, which Is practically a part of III Pane, lex. The attendance was very slim, despite the l.ic. that it was "least week" at Aguas Calientes. ant! in the live days the attendance fell as low a-:Joo. The crowds were made up of Americans and these who ioiuneveii from this citv. There is talk of running a inoeiing here within til" next n Hi or so ai Hie site of the new track at Contlesa. and il sack a meeting is h Id there is no tiuestitin but thai if will seepa a tarnrsa. as the City of Mexico is not only a metroindis. but there are at least M.000 foreign residents here who take an iiileivst in the turf, in addition to thousands of Mexicans of Hie better classes who art- familiar with the sport. The Interest Involved in the recent meeting at Aguas Calientes was the first sppearanee of the candidates for the Mexican Derby, to lie run in 11110. There yvere five races for youngsters, and Governor I snap y tmeaadaes stable made the best showing. His Tecoac. a son of Beaaaanajkas, won two races ami finished a close second in his third start. while Kaiser and Ganahetta. also from the governors barn, were placed in lioth their starts. The matter of the concession for the bookniaking and building of the new track here is still hanging tire. Malt Winn. J. Follansbee. Alberto Tea lasses ami others interested in forming the circuit have apparently been unable to come to an agreement with the local officials, although it is reported that work has already hegnn on the track at Juarez. . A. Titles and J. Frank Carr of St. Louis were here some time ago. and it is known that Tille-s endeavored to get the concession, but without BBC-