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HOUSTON ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather char: track good. Racing staits at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:80 XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. First Race— 1-2 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 81303* La Petite 105 :52 110. . x 72.1 S132 sl Black Light 10.1 :49* 110 71.1 MHO Pick Point 100 :57 NS..X780 Red Campus, ch. c. by Campus — Nic- olette 113 Aileeu D.. br. f. .bv Oayaga — hbhie Kirk HO Second Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Selling. 81050 Banridge 10*3 1:18 4 . .1 14 . . X72.1 MI17 Grover W 107 1:18? 3..HO 71-5 81477* Tapioca 3. .112. . x71o SI 477 Bramlette 3..105 700 MI77 Halloween S..105 870 Mis I Nioolette 9.. 119 6-10 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. :; year-olds and upward. Selling. M117i Chippewa 6. .110..X72S Balolee MS 1:064 -1. . IOO. .©710 81440* Kate Carney 105 1:081 4..105..X700 M417 Emily Almanac ...95 1:02+ 3. ,100. . X80.1 M117 El-aF 100 lBl 3. .100 IKMI sl4IT; Dr. Downie 100 1:031 3..102..X085 81447 Bntre Vous lor 1:004 3.. 108. . «B0 81447 Golden 1 K 1:03 s 3.. 108 aan 7S1S-J Recie 3 .10.. 610 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward Selling. 81331 • Dr. -Mack 104 1:13 ti. . 101. . X72.1 81420- Cponey K 1011:125 5. .111.. X 710 81205 Elder 105 1:141 4. . 109. . X7IO M307- Sainvoke M» 1:154 :.. . 96. . . Too 81388* Sad News 116 1:16-: 1 . Ml . os.i Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-vear olds and upward. Selling. st.;ur- ltnilob.-i 110 1:141 6 .11! - • .72.1 814W Moiea I211:l«jj 5..108..X713 M417- Coatcatter 97 1:151 3.. 92 .in sitTo i ] : 1 1 Ormonde ....107 1:141 3.. 87... .783 M.:ss Hick Shanlev Ill 1:101 5..1O7..X700 s|::so |,.s..m Friend 101 1:19 4. .KB 88f. Mini caiiii.-i his 1:181 i..lo«; 6011 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. :.vear olds and upward. Selling. S1447 Joe Howell los :1.1 ::..1I0. .72.1 sns| 1 aia-eo I. .114 715 81.151 Joe Wooten 0. .125 ilo 81470 Traiipe 92 1.1-: 5. .10. . . - Tin . S13S4.J Padroni; 108 1:02 4.. 119.. m 05 Ind Horse. Wt. Rec. A. Wt. Hdcp. 81248 Frank Clancy 104 :54l 3.. 107 .Xjfo M47:» Thtiiio "■ 10 The llguies Bjsdef "Rec." in above entries siiow the best time made by he horse »t th.ilistiince. willi weight carried, since January 1. 1900 tnis ti is not necessarily made by a winner. It uiav lie the estimated time of a losing pertormance.