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METROPOLITAN HANDICAP WEIGHTS. New York. Mav MX W. S. Vosburgh. official ban dicapper of the Jockey Club, announced lat night his weights for the Metropolitan Handicap. While it was generally assumed that King .lames would be given top weight, .lack Atkiu. the hero of the Park and of the Metropolitan of last year, has been as signed the post of honor. The weights allotted follow : Horse. A. Wl. Jack Atkiu r, 12P King .lames 4 12". Meelick 4 lis Juggler 6 lis Restigooche 4 117 Half Sovereign...! 109 Fayette : 1«B Nimbus 4 108 Fitz Herbert •". 109 High Private :: 105 Trance :; 108 Joe .Madden :. loo Almaniline Baby. .3 DM A asee 4 H Lady Bedford :: !M Horse. A. Wt. Field Mouse :. M Oowan 4 OS Don Creole •" OS Turncoat :. 9S Marv Davis :". 97 Casque " M Wise Mason ■• Sun Dance "1 M Affliction 3 9-" Practical : 94 Petticoat :. 9o Glucose 8 92 Footpad " 92 Hammelless .J 9 Penalties accrue from noon yesterday.