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JOHN SANFORDS FUTURITY NOMINATIONS Xew York December 31 John Sanford under whose colors the horses bred at Hurrlcana Farm In the Mohawk Valley country race is not as liberal a nominator for the Futurity of 1911 as usual Only three Hurricana marcs were put in the race They are Euplirata Retaliation and Garwga and all wire covered by Chuctanunda a sorrtflf Laureate and La Tosca and the best sprinter of his time Chucta nunda was the fastest horse ever gent out from Uurricana He could pack heavy weight and he won at all distances up to a Hrillcy The Sanfords believed that Chuck as the stout bay vas af ¬ fectionately called could wiii at a mile and aNpxar ter lint they did not have a fair chance to put their theory to Ihe test Chuctanunda stepped in a hole and Jjroke a bone in one of his legs training for the Saratoga Champion Stakes in which Irlsli Lad was destined to defeat Hermis in 1903 It w s vwith great difficulty that the life of the sou of Laureate was saved to the endthat he might do stud duty at Ilurricaiia