First Race [1st Oakland, Daily Racing Form, 1910-01-20

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Oakland Entries and Past Performances for Thursday January 20 20WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK SLOW SLOWLATEST LATEST PERFORMANCES OF HORSES ENTERED ENTEREDFIRST FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds Maidens Selling 72030 105 0 112 Index Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St i V StrFin Jockeys Started Order of Finish 107S73S9 DIXIE DIXON b f 3 107 By Sir Dixon Dingle W T Anderson S73S9 Oakland CatalineII 1 l41i fast S 85 7 C 3 3 3 31 Kederis 10 L Buttercup Dovalta Cataline 87247 Oakland 51 II f l08i good C 102 S SS7109 9 G 61 54i C H MillerlO Calopus iKlodia B Beda Bedaii S7109 Oakland 51 ii f 1 08J mud 25 102 10210 10 10 9 S1 C1C H MillerlO Sainotta Metropolitan Wicket 87019 10S691L Oakland 5S Wicket5S Passenger5S 1001 fast 20 95 9510 10 10 10 10 10 C H MillerlO Daddy Gip JHBarr Passenger S691L Oakland 5S l0ig fast G 112 8 12 12 11 9 C H Mlllerl2 Gramercy SBasil PofLismore 80240 Aqueduct 61 iifl22 PofLismoreiifl22 Song7S f 122 fast 3 10S 3 53 2J 2Ji Butwell Coonskin Rustem Queens Song 86159 Aqueduct 7S 1282 fast 115106 5 555 5 3 31 3 Butweli Petrouius Tempter MR Williams S50S5 Gvesend Ab34 3lrl12 112 fast 6 109 4 4KID 22 23 321 McCahey Spindle Boola Boola Naughty Boy KID 109873S5 NORTH blk c 3 109 By Bannockburn Merida B Schreiber 873S5 Oakland F C 111 fast 31 107 3 387i95 4 4 4J 4 E Martin 10 Mindocia Metpolitan Gramercy 87i95 Oakland 5S 581001 PofLismre5S 1001 fast C 93 S 87 51 5J E Martin 11 JHBarr Mpolitan PofLismre 87192 Oakland 5S 1011 slow 15 94 7 7BASEL 730 59j E Martin S Coppcrtown GilbRose JUBarr BASEL b c 3 Lynn5S 109 By Maxio Helper T Lynn 87133 Oakland 5S 1022 slop 13 112 C CSOSC7 G 5 41 3 J King 11 PofLismore BNeely Descend SOSC7 Oakland 12 4SJ fast 100 97 4 48CS29 99 9 ° Buxton 11 Peun Passenger Salian 8CS29 Oakland 12 49J fast CO 100 9 11 10 10 Kirschm 11 Pretend Olathe Napa Nick BABE NEELY b f 3 107 By David Tenny Lillie W C A LeSeure 87247 Oakland 51 ii LeSeureii f 1081 good 1 10 103 5 3 5 41 9 Gross 1O Calopus Elodia I Reda 87133 Oakland 5S Reda5S 102 1023 slop 8 103 7 54 21 28 Coburn 11 PofLismore Basel Descendant S7030 Oaklantl 34 4 114 fast 6 60 103 9 11 11 11 = 118JA Thomas 12 Alder Gulch Balronia Sainotta SG9S3 Oakland 5J f 1082 fast 7 108 7 G 5 41 5 J Borel 12 Silk Pride of Lismore Cantem Cantemg TWIN SCREW b g 3 109 By Cunard Mamie G J D Millin 810 SlO23 3 Oakland 4 4J 1 332 fast 2 23 109 9 10 10 1C 1CSOSS5 101S Coburn 10 Madeline Gelico EddieGranev SOSS5 Oakland 12 2 4Si fast 40 109 10 9 S2 7 7CANTEM 7 ° Borel 12 Waldo Harry Grothe Gelico CANTEM b g 3 LaheyS 109 By Canopus Trim J Lahey 87133 Oakland 5S S l02j slop 7 10910 10 10 72 J JSC9S3 14lCotton 11 PrideofLIsmore BabeNeelyBasel SC9S3 Oakland 51 f BabeNeelyBaself lOSg fast 20 1C7 6 5 53 3 32 S SSG911 3 1 Cotton 12 Silk PrideofLismore Directello DirectellorS SG911 Oakland 5S rS l01g fast 100 112 4 G 3 41 4 4S6G1G 4 1 Cotton 12 Gramercy SBasil PofLIsmore S6G1G Oakland 5S iS PofLIsmoreiS 102 hvy 40 109 6 8 88 8 V 719lCotton 0 DrDouerty Bauorella Directello Directellor MARK BySC9S3 TWAIN br r S 3 109 By Sir Hampton Sunol P Mulcahy SC9S3 Oakland 51 f flOS3fast MulcahyflOS3fast 1 OS3 fast 50 107 4 4 7 51 6 Gross 12 Silk Pride of Lismore Cantem SC911 Oakland 5S S CantemS 101 g fast CO 112 9 9 10 12 ll Gross 12 Gramercy SBasil PofLKnore 86749 Oakland 5S S PofLKnoreS 1022 mud 50 109 5 G 5 5 S SPHOSPHORUS S2Cotton 12 Banorella Elodia B Gramerey PHOSPHORUS ByS7133 ch i Gramereyi c 3 112 By Cesarion Gold Wing Devin Co S7133 Oakland 5S S 102R slop 13 107 3 2 23 3 0 1 71J E Callahanll PrideofLismore BabeNeely Base 87080 Oakland 5S S BaseS 100 1OOJ J fast 100 9G 10 9 10 10 1CS7019 10 = 1E CallahanlO DaddvGip THRarr Conperlown S7019 Oakland 58 8 1001 fast 100 98 985 5 9 9 9 9l S 92JE CallahanlO Daddy Gip JIIBarV Pas enl enli ° SC9S3 Oakland 51 i f lOSg fast 10 115 1152 2 2 4 S2 ll Leeds 12 Silk PHdo of I ismore Can cm 86810 Oakland 5S 81001 1001 fast 100 90 5 4 4 81 8 82 JDenny 9 LElizabeth Coprtown jVlLParr jVlLParrif 80611 S Anita 31 if f 41 fast 12 112 11211 11 9 91 S J Brooks 12 Henderson JMStokeP Chiefliee SULLY b c 3 112 By Orsini La Flame Multnomah Stable 80570 Oakland 51 f 1092 mud CO 112 Left at the post L A Jksonll RaleighPI Ilex Silver Grain S0437 Oakland 5S l01g slop 20 112 4 j 7 ULAJkson S Hex Pr Winter Dr Dougherty RIVERA b c 3 109 By Prince of Melbourne The Brown Countess CountessBourne Bourne Creamer 80010 Oakland 5S 102 hvy 25 109 7 9 Keogh 0 DrDducrty BanorellaDirectello 80715 Oakland 12 50 slop CO 100 11 11SOC3S al BanorellaDirectelloal Jo JoT ever c 11 1enn Redeem Fire SOC3S Oakland 12 4SJ 100 90 S SFirst slop S S S1 Deverich S Douan Coppertowu Napa Nick NickBy First start for the following BOB BURNS blk c 3 112 112OLLIE By Gibraltar Edna Sullivan SullivanBy OLLIE MAY b f 3 107 By Macy Ollie Bird K Anderson

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Local Identifier: drf1910012001_4_5
Library of Congress Record: