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EMPIRE CITY STAKES READY TO CLOSE With western owners the Empire City Clubs meetings have always IKCH highly popular and most f Its fixed events have at one time and another been curried off by western horses The fact that its executive officials are well known western men ac ¬ counts in large part for this distinctive feature of Empire City racing This year is not likely to differ from its predecessors ill this regard The club has offered an attractive and varied stake program that must appeal fetchingly to all owner one that will justify overflowing patronage These stakes close for entries at midnight of Tuesday March 1 and are as follows followsFcr Fcr Three YearOlds and Over OverEmpire Empire City Handicap C000 guaranteed 1 18 miles Yonkers Handicap 2nOO guaranteed 1 116 miles milesMount Mount Yemen Handicap 2500 guaranteed 1 mile mileFleetwing Fleetwing Handicap 1500 guaranteed 34 mile mileMidsummer Midsummer Selling Stakes 91500 guaranteed 1 1S miles milesArrow Arrow Selling Stakes 1500 guaranteed 4 mile mileMelrosc Melrosc Selling Stakes 1500 guaranteed 1 110 miles milesFor For Three YearOlds YearOldsKniekerlxickcr Kniekerlxickcr Handicap 1500 guaranteed 31 mile mileWhirl Whirl Stakes 1500 guaranteed 1 mile mileTarrytowii Tarrytowii Selling Stake 1500 guaranteed 1 mile mileFor For Two YearOlds YearOldsWakclicld Wakclicld Stakes 1500 guaranteed r 12 fur ¬ longs longsFrivolity Frivolity Selling Stakes 1500 guaranteed 5 12 furlonzs furlonzsEastview Eastview Handicap 1500 guaranteed 5 12 fur lonss Demoiselle Stakes for fillies 1500 guaranteed 5 12 furlonss furlonssEntry Entry blanks mar be had at this office or from Lyiiinn H Davis Kaelng Secretary Broadwav and Seventieth street New York