Fain Pilots Three Winners., Daily Racing Form, 1910-02-24


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FAIN PILOTS THREE WINNERS Tampa Fla February 23 Jockey Fain and racers from the Carman stable loomed large in todays results The skillful apprentice landed three winners and the Carman horses garnered two purses but later lost the one earned by Nattie Bumppo because that horse carried seven pounds short of what the conditions called for a protest being lodged by the owner of Gypsy Girl which had finished sycoid The disqualification did not affect bets on the race as the Carman horse carried program weight Other incidents of the afternoon were the runaway of Itamon Corona staunchly supported favorite and the defeat of Billie Hibbs one of the fastest sprinters at the course Incompetent handling by F Lewis cut some figure In his failure to finish in front of Grace Kimball and Rebel Queen Donaldos victory in the second race aroused comment because of his sudden improvement The performance of John Garner in the fifth race likewise occasioned comment This horse lias been a source of annoyance the entire season his good an L bad races being generally fore ¬ shadowed in the betting bettingIn In the opener R F Carman sent to the post In Naughty Lad a youngster that may develop into a useful racer judging by the Impressive manner in which he disposed of his opponents opponentsGreenlawns Greenlawns win In the fourth race was totally unexpected and was accounted for chiefly by good racing luck The closing dasli went to Locust Bud which showed a line effort in racing around the others to win with ease easeJockey Jockey Lovell signalized his return to the saddle after his lengthy suspension by lauding Grace Kim ball a winner winnerBeginning Beginning tomorrow and continuing for the rest of the season horses starting in the first race will be called to the K st at oclock oclockThere There was i report current this afternoon that Pensacola promoters have Iteen granted dates for the placeThe contemplated race meeting at that place The local management Is arranging for a military race next Saturday In which horses and men of the United States army now here for the Panama Canal celebration will compete for a suitable purse

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910022401/drf1910022401_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1910022401_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800