Juarez Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1910-02-24


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JUAREZ ENTRIES n Clilcago time 315 Xuiins well in mud Superior uiud runner M maiden First Racp 78 Mile 3yearolds olds and upward Si Sellin Track record 87 87530 l25J 4 I Ind llorse llorse8SOC Wt Bee A AVt Hdcp 8SOC Himalaya 117 i2 5 r112X725 87897 Fred Miilholland Miilholland8S182JGilison ndlOT 130 i 109720 8S182JGilison 102 125 7 88050 VoHoome C107 715 715Bubiola 88182s Bubiola 107132J 4 109 X715 X715Tom 88141 Torn Franks 107127 4H9 710 710Billy 88107 Billy Taylor 100 l27i 12 109 X70V X70VCharles 88202 Charles Fox 395X7X 395X7XCamera 88178 Camera 101 1 27 3 03 X700 X700Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 4ycarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 87584 105 5 115 115Valley 88137 Valley Stream li5106 5 110 X725 X725Hying 8 34S Hying Tearl 55 109 4110X720 88U81Kegards 107 1085 4107X715 4107X7155I12X715 8810C3 Eluir 5I12X715 5I12X7157112X710 881 79 3 J Cox 7112X710 8Sfl8 Dandv Dancer 100 l05i 5 110 X 710 88083 Uiicle Walter 105 1002 4112X7 5 54110X705 88KM Lillian Bav 4110X705 4110X7055110X705 88137s Myrtle Dixon 5110X705 88038 Dick Vestal 09 110 4 112 700 87587 Ueiibeii 8S110 KmimTke AI Third Race 3 12 Furlongs Track record S7S31 10s 2 108 87994 Coed 107 10788204s 88204s Juarez 105 41J 110 88120 KlnfolkK 105 41i 107 87994 Ina 107 SIOS Solid 110 412 110 110T7833 T7833 Little Dick llo 41i 110 88204 Brave AVithers 110 41 110 88084 IwalauT 107 1078S120 8S120 Marx Kudd 10S 40i 17 87994 Dreamy 107 88108 Cliola 107 88204 Candy Kid 107 107Fourth Fourth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap TracK record 87530 1231 1 104 88037 LADY ESTHER 101 125 7 102 1028813SS 8813SS Ocriiii Queen 105 125 4 54 88138 Meadow 101 12S 4 122 88181 = German Silver 2 12GJ 3 92 92Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile Mile4vearolds 4vearolds and nnwaril Selling SellingTraek Traek record S7722 111R G IOC IOC8S118s 8S118s HIldeii Hand 100112i5 510G 88182 B J Swaiuier 105 i13it 113 7 105 105X720 88137 Galves 107 113 5 510S715 108 SS20I5 Hirdlvoii 111 113 07 X 715 88107 Bill SBranible 112 1172 100 715 M8086 Alibon H 100114 103X710 88207 IliiniD 109 113 4 SSX710 8S1S2 Miidgo JTliorfall 100 113 4 97 880815 Deuce 105 l13s 710SX700 88122 Ladv Adelaide 1103171 G OSX7CO Sixth Racerl Mile 4 yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record S7309 l3SrA5 ICO 8817 IMnc of Caatiiell4 1401 Off X725 X725SSI SSI 23 Thp Slicker 101 140 4 104 X720 SS203MUs Vigilant WJ 141 5 04X715 S7i01l elleas 107 140 140SS179S 4 104 715 SS179S George Giiyton M107 107 140J 4 101 715 7154100X715 88087 Tiflis 4100X715 87924 Cardinal Sarto 8 101 X 710 101 130 r 101 X7io SS119 = tniretinla 5 142 4 X710 SSIS3 Knight Blaze SKI7X705 SS107 Ora Sudduth 101 111 5 i X705 8S179 ContVstw 113 l4 J QIOJXTOO

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1910022401/drf1910022401_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1910022401_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800