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SEVENTEEN STALLIONS AT ELMENDORF Matrons of Famous Haggin Establishment Reduced Reducedfrom from 475 to 175 Hessian Now in the Stud Lexington Ky March 5 Seventeen thoroughbred stallions are making the season of 101O at James B Haggins Elmendorf Farm Three of the stallions Galveston Canopus and Sir Hampton are the property of John Mackey who has long been the con ¬ fidential adviser in matters of the turf to the aged master of Elmendorf Mr Mackey advancing in years and wishing to drop some of the cares of a busy life decided recently to dispose of his ranch in California cut down his thoroughbred stud send his reserves to Kentucky and take up his residence in New York Accordingly he sold the land near Sacramento to Walter R Jennings shipped three stallions and six mares to EIniendprf and before the end of the month will have disposed of all his equine and other holdings in California with the exception of bis yearlings and twoyearolds which are to be sold during the summer at Sheepshead Ray It is not the intention of Mr Mackey that his stallions and mares shall be permanently located at Elnitiulorf He is trying to lease a suitable small farm near this city The Mackey stallions are to make a public seasoil seasoilThe The Haggiu stallions for this year are areWatercress Watercress br h 21 by Springfield Wliarfdale WliarfdaleWaterboy Waterboy Idk h 11 by Watercress Zealandia ZealandiaStar Star Ruby b h IS by Hampton Ornament OrnamentGoldfinch Goldfinch ch h 21 by Ormonde Thistle ThistleOrder Order b h 22 by Rend Or Angelica AngelicaMaxio Maxio b b 15 by Maxim Preciosa PreciosaMontana Montana QueenAfricander b h 22 by Ran Fox Queen Africander b h 10 by Star Ruby Afric Queen Toddington QueenToddington b h 12 by Melton Mincra MincraSlave Slave ch h 10 by Ayrshire LEsclave LEsclaveGreenan Greenan b b 15 bv St Simon Sunrise SunriseRoyal Royal Flush III ch h 17 by Favo Flush FlushGeorge George Kessler ch h 1C by Salvator Miss Wood ford Hessian b h 5 by Watercress Colonial ColonialThe The Elmendorf mares now number 175 Mr Haggin having sold oft 1500 head of his matrons during the past two years Of those remaining alxiut eighty have been selected to be bred In appropriate ratio to Watercress Waterboy Star Ruby and Goldfinch These four celebrated sires will serve no outside marcs this season aud will be bred as strictly pri ¬ vate vateThe The fees for the remaining ten stallions have not been definitely fixed as yet by Mr Haggin but at the farm it is said that they will probably stand at 100 each It is the first season for the young horse Hessian which was raced in this country in I07 and 1SK1S by A T Jbyner and was taken to England by him last year He went wrong on the other side and was sent back to Elmendorf hist fall