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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling SS170 1 rU 7 11L ALAUDA b g 5 By Ornament LAlouette B Jacobs J47 Tampa 1 14 215 slow 21 2G 2 1 Jackson Ia Favelte Colminsa Oroomka 99 Taniiai Im70y 1513 slow 31 lii Glasner 7 LCavauagh LaFayctte DrCrooK SS35S 2S8327 Tainpa 7S 1311 mud 2 3 F Jackson C Sail Iriino Necha Dr Heard S8327 5SS293 Tampa Im70y 1522 slow 5 3s 31 r Jackson Ilurlock Nccha 1J111 Cowilcn SS293 GSS242 Tampa 34 11SJ slow G 41 4ci F Jackson 7 Kith KiiK Criusc Firebrand SS242 Tampa 34 1183 slow 5 S 8j Fain s Tackle ItoftlicIIall Coimtermd 88215 Tampa 51 f 1112 slow 3 3SS149 51 G3 Fain S Tossica Col Austin CatMontour SS149 Tampa 51 f l12g slow G GDUNVEGAN 5 55i D Boland s Grcenlawn Tlie Ram Jessica JessicaBy DUNVEGAN b g 5 5SS363 By St Simonian II Thistlefiach E Gardner SS363 Tanipa 1 116 1551 mud 4 4SS315 4 = 45J Irvin 7 WLsike LCavanaKlu Ctermand SS315 Tamiia Im70y 1502 slow 10 10SS2G7 5 31 Irvin G KHzabotlian GKinvliill Colimosa SS2G7 Tainpa 1 116 l54jf slow 10 10SS1S1 WatorLake5l lh Colimosalh 3J Irvin FUiley LCavana h WatorLake SS1S1 Tampa 34 1192 slow 15 15SS135 5l 4s Irvin S Altneon Confessor Tackle SS135 Tampa 7S 133 slop 15 15S79S4 3 = 39 Irvin i Morrv Gift Morpeth Cobmosa S79S4 Tampa 31 117 slow 20 Pi CobmosaPi 9i Irvin 10 Hoylc SirWRoIUns Boiiebrake BoiiebrakeBy COBMOSA b ff 7 7SS447 By Sempronius Cclia G Warwick SS447 Tainpa 1 14 215 slow 10 31 3 Shinakvr La Kayo tic Alaiida Aroonoka 19 Tanipa Im70y 1512 slow 15 15SS363 106 4 5 G 51 5 = Siiinakcr 7 LCavaim h I iFayette DrCrook SS363 SSS315 Tanipa 1 116 1 mud S 10S U 5 7 7 SJ VJShinaker 7 WLake LCnvainiKli Ctermand 20SS2G7 SS315 Tampa Im70y 150 slow 20 110 G 5 5 4 41 47 Shinaker Klizabetlian GKimballDnvesan SS2G7 30SS151 Tanipa 1 116 1512 slow 30 WJ 4 1 1 1 5l 53 Shinaker 0 FKiloy L Cavanagh Dnnvegan SS151 258S135 Tampa 34 1192 slow 25 109 G C 5 7J 71JLewis S Alencon Confessor Tackle 8S135 Tanipa 7S 133 slop 20 109 4 3 3 4 4 45 Chappull Merry Gift Jlorpetb Dmivegan 68071 Tam a 51 f lllg slow 20 20BRONTE 10S S 77 7 710 Lewis S Temper Irrisntor Niantic NianticBy BRONTE b e 5 113 113Kill By Scintillant II Triana M J Daly 3SS429 SH7 Tampa 1 11 215 slow 3 Kill G fi G J Jior G D Murphy C Li Fayette Alanila Cobmosa 5SS1S7 SS429 Tanipa 7S 1 32i slow 5 ior s s s s S SMJJas Carroll Oesa Taiinie Sim Irimo SS1S7 Tampa Im70y 152 slow 2 111 G U G G 4l 41 T Conley G Countormd LaFayettp Confesr SS131 GiSS049 Tampa 1 1S 215J slop Gi 154 4222 2 = 2 Cocbran C Okenite Dr Heard Dr Crook SS049 3S7957 Tainpa 34 1 19 slow 3 109 7 G G 6 5 = 1 Jas Carroll S Bouebrake Occidental SanGirl S7957 Tampa 1 1S 2OS2 mud 2 2MY 144 322 2 2J 2 = Cocbran 5 Okenite Al Buscli Good Friar FriarBy MY LOVE b m 5 108 1081H By King Hanover Percita Mrs H H Brown 30SS377 S4G3 Tarn ai 51 f 112J slow 30 1H G 77 7 7T1 Kolin 7 U Carona Occidental Ilurlock SS377 GSS323 Tain a 51 f llig slow G 110 3 50 C IlurlockC G iGlasner S K of tbe isall Jessica Creuse SS323 10SS1CC Tarn ia 51 f 111J slow 10 10S G G G 5 5lsJUpt ni G Lucky Mate Malta Oesa SS1CC GSS047 Tain ia 5S 1042 slow G 103 6 77 7 7CJ Fain 8 Bannade Gilliford May Jene SS047 Tanna 51 f lllg slow 4 10G 9 10 10 10 10 3l7pt m 10 M Candlemas Bannnds SSavase S795S Tampa 104 2 S G 5 Upton S BcthGoodwIn Occidental Merise MeriseBy BILL COWDEN br h 5 116 By Diablo Kate Elam S Sanchez SS412 Tampa HI f Il2i slow 20 G I Bolaiiil 7 Cov Haskell MIeek Address SS377 Tampa 51 f 111 slow 2 S 8lsil Roland S B of the Ball Jessica Crense S327 Tampa Im70y l52g slow 30 4 4 i 1 Itoland Ilurlock Xecha Aianda Tampa 51 f 111 slow 30 30S7S94 S SS1O Boland S Aleneon SWUollins TDIp S7S94 Tampa 5S 103 slow 30 G = 7 E Mthevs 7 BIIibbs Cloisteress Escutcheon