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KENTUCKIANS HOPEFUL OF FUTUEE Lexington Ky March 19 Horsemen in the blue grass region nj njiyed iyed another week of glorious weather and spring training and breeding oinrations are progressing steadily and satisfactorily Barring the agitation In New York and Canada for tighter betting laws there has liecn nothing of a disquieting nature lately among the horsemen Tin troubles 1 etwcen the track owners and tin racing commission In Kentucky are at an end and th re is everv reason to believe that all from this time licmv will pull together for the uplift of the Sn rt in this state The controversy over liookniaklng having been lirrshed out in the eourts and the i owers of the icing commission having 3 ecn clearly defined the pariniutuel system of Itettlng will be accepted as wisest and best for all Interests InterestsFrom From Tennessee Missouri and Illinois oome con ¬ stant reimrts of a growing reversal of sentiment as regards racing In those states and though expecting nothing in the immediate future breeders and horse ¬ men here sire ho efiil that the passage of liberal laws will vet be secured and the tracks reopened oil a basis that will mean security for Uie sport