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CANADIAN RACING PROGRAM. Probability cf Curtailment of Meetings at Confereace of Governing Body the Present Week. Toronto, Oat.. April IT Mow that tin- way has lueii cleared by Parliaments reassert ion of the policy of perniitling l«elting on race courses on race days, tin- elide, in the Canadian Racing Associations will set about their delayed preparations lor the inning sea-.iii. and in a few days tin- announcement of the eendjtiaan lor the Kings 1latc and ether stakes to bo run at tile Ontario Jockey Clubs spring meeting will be mad-. It is probable that the Makis will close on May 1. The King- Plalo pr..i:ii-.-s to 1 «- a very open cou-t»st this year. Though it has so frequently fallen to the representative of the big stables, there is a change in i In- state of alfairs tnis spring. Tito Dynieiit -table has nothing eligible, and J. E. Seagram will probably be without a lliree-yoar-olil .starter, having to depend on material carried over from last year. Th ■ Valley Farm Stable and Robert Itavies inav likely material available, but taken all around, the coni|M-t itiou for the guineas of the king is likely to lie more general than for many years |ti:st. A in eting of the Canadian Racing Associations will be !:eld hen- or in Hamilton this week to arrange th- da1--s for racing at Woodbine. Montreal, Hamilton. Fort Erie ud Windsor. That will probably 1m- the ord.r of tiie meetings, as in the past, but there will not In- as many days of racing as last i:ir. The season will be shortened, and as the number of clubs is the same it is clear that the duration of the ra-ing periods must bo curtailed. That much was il.eiiled last year, as was also tin- avoidance of conflicting dates. It will be i-i memhered that the opening of Montreal in the spring oceurrcd on the same da as the closing at Woodbine. Instead of this being re| catcd. it will be sought to so allot date- that there will lie a few days interval between the closing at one place and the opening at another. With the length of tin- meetings fixed at atMHit eight days, which is being advocat -d. it will be quite posfible le earry out such a program.