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OAKLAND HAS CHANGED TRACK CONDITIONS. San rranr-iseo. Cal.. April 12. — Fine weather favored tin raeing at Oakland today, but tin- track was ***newhat In avy owing to rain Sunday and yeslerda. Tin- track conditions brought about the defeat of Chester kriiin. an odds-on favorite in Hie Ihiid race. Tin- going favored Inclement and. lead ing all the wa. he beat Cheater Kruin halt a length. Raleigh! none too well handled, was third. Bubbling Water, a heavily supported first choice. trailed Inr company to the stretch in the Ikiah Handicap. 1 1 1 . 1 1 rii hed past the leaders to win easily from Fein I., with Jim Ca fluey third. Likelv Dit-u dotiio quit badly after being prominent in the early running. Abigail K. was favorite for the two year-old race lmt could not ..v.rtake Wiltrude S. Servi —ncc. i-tariing in the colors of a new owner, proved a disappointment in the Bemad, Lean Lech lieating him easily. Lud of the Forest cum- back after his vii-puv ot Saturday and won from Madeline Ma--•rrave and Dr. Doaghefty. The apprentice rider, ltevaii. was of little assistance to Good Sliip in this Tin- The stewards have not concluded their i:ie-ti path ii lata the recant race at GeMBna. It nevetened That the nine was interfered with and throara jigainst the rail at the three -quarters |.ost. T. Rice, rider of orelj... admitted that be »a- responsible. Gold Ann will run again tomorrow. Jockey Gross will not leave lor New York until after the invest! gation Is ti William Carroll left this evening for New York ■with twelve two ear obis that will curry the colors of Oeaeaje w. Berry. H. M. M i-n t-l an- to g" east ■hoftlT. Bad a partner-hip i-i-tiug between hi in and William Cahill i-ab. .111 to ,i. ,!--,,h,d. As a r.--ult Argonaut. Ib-x and Sw.-et r.a-il will Im- olTered at auction in the Oakland p. -h|oi k Saturday. At the .-lection held in the city of Kiiiery v i He y--terda.v the regular ticket won by an overwhelming majority. The opposition was known as the tin Zens and Taxparera Fatty and was for a wide open The "««e light ■ rear" idea and "mi gam tatter. din;:" made the town too tame, according to its ideas. At tin- l.i-l minute candidate- were pitted 3igain-t the trustees wlm won- running for reelection. Tin- race track force;, won out by a vole of id.. ■ 4 to 1. Tin- -tiwanl- of the New California Jim key Club liave rein-luted T. Welkcr and T. Williams of the Bom Mead Stable.