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I t i t * i . , , | ; , | i | j , , WASHINGTONIANS HUNGRY FOR RACING. 1 Large Delegation fiom National Capital Swells Crowd at Pimlico— Fair Weather Now Prevails. i Baltimore. Mil.. April 22. — A disqualification attended the raaniag of the opeabaj race this afternoon, when William earths Plainness was set hack .or fsallsg Aagast Belmonts Minta. The interfi-r race Caaai in the stretch, when Minta moved up with a rbaUeage. Oilbert, on Pteaateas, pulled over t and repeatedly humped the Belmont tilly. The foul was palpable and the stewards were prompt in their announcement of a disqualification. For the first time since the assahaj the races were run under bright skies and. althoagh the track was still deep and heavy, there was more snap to the sport than on the precedins days. The attend ance was larse ami it only needs pleasant weather to make the nieetins the hanner one in the history if the cluh. Washinsliiians appear hunsry for the sport and the sperJabj which are behsj run from the capital are bringing over immeiise crowds. Many Dtetahen of esagreea are anions the daily patrons, and they appear to immensely enjoy the otitins as this famous old racing ground. The Belmont colors were conspicuous daring the afternoon. In t II the openins and closins races heins won by horses that were hard by and carried tin-.-.dors of the chairman of the Jockey Cluh. Kddie , Itagaa had the mounts on hoth Minta and Asticot. -I a1 i showed a goixl iierformanee in the openins dash, when she finished second lo Planutess. Slie was off well, followed the early pace closely and i would ptahahiy have area easily hut for the interference. In the closins race Asticot made all of ; her own pace ami won with soniethins in reserve. Peter Paul, which Carried the colors of .Mrs. A. H. Bradley in the third nice, was makins his first appearance on the turf after an ahsence of several 1 years. He had Ix-on working well, hut was crowded i out of it when the start came and fulled to show much of saythiag. , A partnership has heen registered hetween J. Barttaehell and Sam i.ouis in the horses Plying FiMitsteps and l-ruitful. Two sentlcmen riders had mounts in todays steeplechase. Kinii Kerr and I". Alpcrs. It was the I feral time that the former has ridden since he was injured in a raee run in Canada last year. apt. B. P.. Casaatl and Cotisrcssinan Ollie James. I nf Kentucky, were among the visitors at the course t this afternoon.