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WALDOS TRAINER SERENE S FIGHTING BOB S SENSATIONAL WORK FAILS - TO DISMAY RALEIGH COLSTON. Confident His Charge Has Class That Will Count in j Actual Struggle— Topland and Relluf Seen in Satisfactory Trials at Churchill Downs. I..ui-vi!|o. K.v.. April TT InglBH hcavv rain has l ui|Miran! put :m end to any s. nsationallv fast work ; on Hie pari ..r tin- sixteen IVrbv candidates Quartered eit Churchill Downs. Yesterdav ua today BrcaUarjT I. Milan H. Davis had |li "dogs" si nt .lul I I "tit around tli - track, ami as a consequence all the . work that was «l..n«- had to lie far over to the outside . rail. Waldo, the Derby f:tvoritc. was not even taken I on tile b|aj track, but was cantered slowlv twice ■ around the in-id • ring. Trainer Colston talked freely of the Derby chances of Waldo. Me said- •41 have ix. ted all of Fighting Bobs fast work, and there is mi doiil.t that lie is a good colt. Imt : when a coll like Waldo hooks up with him and carries ■ him at his l.cst. say for three or four Tw !■■■_■ lie may not shine- esu brightly. Waldo had the class -■ on 1 Ighting Bob last season, and class generally tells I when two colts nwet in an actual race. I think lighting Bob has improved a lot as a three -year old. hut lie will have to improve nincli more to have a chance against Waldo on their two-vear-old form. I know some teraea improve greatly from one season to i aiiotlier. and it is not alwavs the best two vear old I that is the greatest threei car-old. 1 recollect instance, however, where class told. In 1898, after Plaudit won the Kentucky Derby and other western slakes, he was liailed as the king of three-year olds of Ins year, but when he racial against Hamburg in the Lawrence Realization Stakes the latter lieat him easily. As a two-year-old Hamburg overshadowed Plaudit a- much as Waldo did Fixating Bob last year, Hamburg was just like Mr. Harrisons colt — he had Hi ■ i lass." Fighting Bat cantered a -low mile and a half yesterdeiy. going, the tinal quarter in BO. Trainer Cass is feat tea on working him iut once again liefore lie ships hjin to run in the Camden Handicap at Lexington on Friday— that is. provided the track is good here. Topland also was breezed slowlv aliout the name instance today after a apt fay work-out the day It lore, and trainer Hani galloped ltonau and Sureget a Mag lime on the roads around the track. C. C. Van Meters Topland figured in a read trial in preparation f ir the big race of May H just lie lore the rain of yesterday. Topl.ind worked a mile and a quarti r in Z:r9f over a track that was drying our. The fractional* were 12. 2.:;. ::.V 4V i- ij 1:15. I:2*g. 1:1:;. 1 :5H?. 2:103. William Genus fkaara worked a mile and an eighth in 1 :.1SJ. going the mile in 1:4."*. George J. Icings Derby depend J ncy. Better worked a mile ami an eighth in 1:55|. the mile being covered in 1:423. This is the best anark seen here in preparation for the Derby, save that by Fighting Bob, Bettors fractionals were: ll*. 2.v. .:?-. SOf, i : i::?.. i:B$|, 1:281. I:df|, 1:85ft. Hi- worked thane, without ■ pacemaker, and finished with considerable in reserve. Trainer Pete Coyne will take Kelluf to LextegbM Friday to give Isnii a race in the Camden Handicap to lighten him up for Ins Berbj ragageeteat. Thiiaah the son of St. ca-tien geta in the Cam. leu Handicap with atoety-elghl pounds, trainer Coyne says he does ie.t think lie can 1h-.ii lighting Rob. Co no has engaged J. I.. Bee-■eea ejond lightweight rider. F.. Martin, to riih- Bel luf in the Ceaneea Handicap, and that karfcej will also ride |he two year -olds the La*g trainer takes with Belial 1o ,.;,,.,. .,, Lextogtaa. Onrae will ship «.n l-ridiy and tratoer Cuss will send Fighting Bob along in the same car. Other Derby candidates to work were B«ea Grande gad Bye White, from w. H. Ptoua atahie The former went tre-eigbtha in 1 :«; and Bye White was sot damn for throe eighth- in M|. it i- mi thonght that ti.iiner Finer ha-- any lateation of Btarting Kve White in Hie -».iir race, the Ktablea aspirations being ret ier.-d ,n Baca Graa* . The raBairda at the How ns are not aunrh taken with the son of Sem-proniu-. He aeemtegtj has all his aaeed and dash, hut the knowing ones jn.-stion his stamina. Inless lie inn dinar wan* thing dordertog on the sensational in his work here within the m-t ten days his Derby pretensions will n,.; he considered, pitted a- he will «• ■ganiKt such colts as Waldo. Fighting Boh. Ilonau. T-pland and Kelluf. Ti •■■in. r ,;i j. a|| smiles over flit. ling Bob*! re-«-ont work, and BHlkca ao secret of hjs hiLh e-tima Una of the eatta ■htlrthna. He thinks that only an accident -will h at Flghtteg Bab in either the Cam den Handicap ..r the Keniuekv Derby. "They talked w. lunch.-- said i.e. -ail narhng ahead WaMo i eon ■Ml 1 was a little fri-htened. tanajeh I knew all ■long that I wax Iraiatag a good olt. hut now I don t fear Waldo or any body eteea thrce-veai -old and if Fighting Bnb keeps his aw aft forin I see nothing to keep him nrimlag the Imlk of his three year old engagements. After the Ikerbr 1 ere he vvill a* east, as he is eatered in the fbdiihai Handicap and other valuable raees at Sheepshead Hay. Pesidcs two slake- at Brighton Beach and three ■I Saratoga. He has heen handicapped ill the gab at ninety-two ikhiihIs." ieereiary Lyman H. i av*s has re, eteed ■ letter from William Walker, the Canadian turfiiiau in which tiie latter stated be wnold ship hi- Keatacky [Wrby candidate. C. M. Miller, fr-.m the Iiinlieo track. Raltimorr, to Churchill Downs the last of this week. Mr. Walker wrote that H. M Miller would lie n siir. starter in the Ili-rhv. J. K. Wainwriirin. earner of the Keatacky Derby candidate. Uallaat Pirate, aa well as other bomcK mi h-r trainer Fred I.nzad, is car* at Cliurehill . Dnarna. baa arrived rroaa Preach I.iek Springe ami J will lie hereahoata until after the coaling aprin-aaeetteg la coded. He will -o to Lextagton with his tratoer and Jockey N. Keaaedy. bat will hardly icmaiii there Ibraaghial Ha- ajajetteg, thoaarh the I jockey will ride there until the wind-up. Mr Wain • wright -ays Lusader i- ■athated aith the amy ;ai- l laut Pirate is training, and that tie rati will aarety I start in Hi- Keatacky Derby, with a*raaidj in the saddle. 1 Train, r Ham will s. nd Si:rcg«-t to I.eviugton Kri- I day to run in the Camden Handicap. He has not I de, i.l.-d a- yet. what elae he will ship, imt neither 1 of the trio ,,f -tars of the Cerst ft Hollo -tal, Danea, Golloaay aad Haul, ridge -will go. They will I teak- their lir-l ap;,, ai an, ,- under colors here this I Season. Freil I. nz. !,]cr is toning up tiallant Pirate to work I 1 tin- full Derby roarae when the track again gets t good tne latter put of the week. The Waiawrlghl i roll it i- though I In th. tailhirds. mav 1m- a aleeper 1 in the Derby, aa h- i- v.-.rking well and is known to l«- a game colt. With joekcv Kenned. -ure to ride 1 him they figure him one of the outside chances la the lug race. A letter baa beea receired by Becretary Daahi from a George Mole* worth, who i- now riding in California atatlng Hen ... will Ik- here by Derby dav to remain 1 during He- m.eting. It is andemtood thai W .1 r Vonag will bare lirst call mi his s,-ri,.-- during the 1 .eal meet ing. C..1. Matt .1. Winn returned li.uiie la-l night fr N.w oik. where 1-, attended tin- meeting of the , •V Jockev lull Jaarec. He found the program hook of l th- Churchill Howns meeting and it will he attributed among the huisemea fortuwith. o ol