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RACING REPRESENTATIVES AT ALBANY. Albany. N. Y.. April 27. — Joseph Anerbach. of New York, representing tin- race track interests, and Andrew Miller, who are here for the purpose of suggesting cerlain amendments to the Agnew-Perkins anti-oral liookiuaking bills, endeavored to see !ov-ernor Hughes today for the purpose of getting his views on the pro|tosed amendments. They were informed that the governor was too busy to see them. Governor Hughes, when asked if lie had declined to see Anerbach and Miller, replied that he was busy all morning, but he would meet them or anyone else during tin- hour for seeing callers. The bills are on 11m* order of final jiassage in the BJMtr house. Mr. Anerbach contends that the bills in their present form will open up a field for endless and unnecessary prosecution by district attorneys. He conferred witli several senators.